Tag Archives: Nature

Rafting in Alentejo, Portugal

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-Glamping-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Alentejo, Here We Are!

Portugal-Alentejo-Mora-Solar-Dos-Lilases-Restaurant-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

On The Way To Mora

First day of this trip in Alentejo, with a superb brightness, fantastic sun and white walls lined with yellow or blue paint! I joined the team in Lisbon and we left in the morning. 

We stop at Mora in Evora district to have lunch at the excellent restaurant Solar dos Lilases (photo below). The day promises to be exciting: I will have my first experience rafting!

Portugal-Alentejo-Mora-Solar-Dos-Lilases-Restaurant-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

My First Experience Rafting

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-20-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

And The Boat?

When I do things for the first time, I have no a priori. If someone had told me that I will use my body (instead of a pneumatic or kayak) to drift on a freezing cold river: not sure that I would have been as naively enthusiastic (lol)! 

We are in pristine nature (of course!). At the entrance of the huge property of Azenhas da Seda, a jeep leads us to the camp. Everything is very well organized and the modern facilities blend into the landscape. 

The multi-layers equipment is an absolute nightmare for the good taste: swimsuit under shorty wetsuit, gloves and booties, life jacket, helmet and training shoes. After taking a really cold shower (to acclimate the body to the river temperature!), a small briefing in the shade of trees. Cozy … 

Time to mentally record the advices and I am on the back drifting in a water more than icy … and using my hands and arms as rudder, to avoid the river banks (photo below). The feeling is WOW!

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-19-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

New Quick Briefing

about what’s next in the program. We progressively discover and are more and more motivated (with some giggles, lol!). Short hike through fields in a dream setting. And as we begin to dry our wet shorty wetsuit, surprise-surprise …

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-18-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Bush

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-7-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-9-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K
Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-13-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

This Is Where It Gets Tricky

We sink into a narrow path. As long as the water remains at the ankles, it’s okay! By cons when my waist is immersed, less fun (lol)! Very quickly you can find yourself shoulders immersed.

As I’m not a big fan of the appearance of water, the chief monitor let me lead the way. Adventure, my dear! In fact, the water is clear, our movements make it murky and muddy. 

Suffice to say that I don’t know where I walk in the water! The interest of this “training” isn’t to ask questions, but anticipate and avoid holes etc… (LOL)! In places, it really shrinks and we must climb slippery big rocks (photo below). 

Seriously, I liked this challenging route. An intense cardio session surrounded by a superb pristine nature. That strengthens the team spirit (we were already a great team before!). And I forgot, the water is still frozen. The outdoors, baby!

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-12A-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Back To The Camp

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Last step before returning to the camp : jump into the river! Fortunately, not next to falls (on the above photo), but in a quiet location with a slight current (below photos).

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-16-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-17-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Glamping Break

Comfortable tent furnished with a real bed, dressing table and mini zen garden (composed of rocks), on top of a small cliff with a view overlooking the river and nature. Nice warm sunshine …  

Hardly time to get dressed and we leave the Azenhas da Seda to go to Avis. Happy busy day with my first experience rafting! I lightly doze watching the countryside …

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-Glamping-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Sleeping In The Vineyards

Portugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Sun Is Still Strong

when we arrive at the Herdade da Cortesia. I snap few pictures of the room before the dinner. I like the cinemascope view in the bathroom! Awesome! Like an elegant ranch at the end of the world, pampa … 

Nice decoration with a soft lighting: I do not have the strength to raise the mechanical blind facing the bed. If I sit down, I fall asleep: courage, Mademoiselle! The last two pictures of the post (below): the restaurant and the large table for dinner. See you tomorrow…

Portugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-8-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-9-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K


Visit PortugalVisit Alentejo, Solar dos Lilases, Azenhas da SedaHerdade da Cortesia


Many thanks to Visit Alentejo and Visit Portugal for this amazing invitation. Thanks to the cool team of Azenhas da Seda too. As always these are my opinions.

Rafting en Alentejo, Portugal

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-Glamping-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Alentejo, nous voilà!

Portugal-Alentejo-Mora-Solar-Dos-Lilases-Restaurant-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

En route pour Mora

Premier jour de ce voyage en Alentejo : superbe luminosité, soleil éclatant sur murs blancs bordés de peinture jaune ou de bleu! J’ai rejoins le groupe à Lisbonne que nous avons quittée dans la matinée.

Direction Mora dans la région d’Evora, où nous déjeunons au très bon restaurant Solar dos Lilases (photo ci-dessous). La journée promet d’être excitante : j’inaugure ma première expérience en rafting! 

Portugal-Alentejo-Mora-Solar-Dos-Lilases-Restaurant-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Le Rafting

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-20-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Et le bateau?

Lorsqu’on fait les choses pour la première fois, on a aucun apriori. Si on m’avait dit que je me servirai de mon corps (à la place d’un pneumatique ou kayak) pour dériver sur une eau de rivière (température arctique) : pas sûre que j’aurai été aussi naïvement enthousiaste (lol)!

Nous sommes en pleine nature (logique) : à l’entrée, de l’immense propriété d’Azenhas da Seda, une jeep nous guide jusqu’au campement. Tout est très bien organisé et les infrastructures modernes se fondent dans le paysage.

Après nous être équipés en multi-couches (maillot de bain sous combi short, gants et chaussons en néoprène, gilet de sauvetage, casque et baskets – l’ensemble est anti-sexy absolu!) et passés sous une douche réfrigérante (pour acclimater le corps à la rivière, fun!) : petit brief à l’ombre des arbres. Ca reste pour le moment très cosy…

Le temps d’enregistrer mentalement les infos : je fais la planche sur le dos dans le sens du courant… dans une eau plus que glaciale… à me servir de mes mains et bras comme gouvernail, pour éviter d’approcher de trop près les rives (photo ci-dessous). Mais la sensation est TOP! 

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-19-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Sur une des rives

Nouveau rapide brief sur la suite du programme (que nous découvrons au fur et à mesure, de plus en plus motivés et quelques fous rires nerveux en prime, lol!). Petite randonnée à travers champs dans un décor de rêve et surprise, tandis que nous commençons à sécher dans nos combi humides…

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-18-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Le bush

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-7-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-9-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K
Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-13-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Ca se complique

Le “Vietnam” comme l’appellent les moniteurs! Chemin étroit où nous nous enfonçons : tant que l’eau reste au niveau des chevilles, pas trop gênant! Par contre dès que la taille est immergée : hummm moins sympa (lol)! Très vite on peut se retrouver niveau épaules.

Je suis en tête de l’équipée sauvage. N’étant pas fane de l’aspect de l’eau (oui je sais – dûe aux alluvions et… ), j’ouvre la marche, juste devant le moniteur en chef. “Adventure“, my dear (lololol)! Car l’eau est claire à la base, ce sont nos mouvements qui la rendent trouble.

Autant dire que je ne sais pas trop sur quoi je marche! Mais l’intérêt de la chose, est de ne pas se poser de questions et d’essayer d’anticiper les trous et autres… (LOL)! Par endroit, ça se rétrécit vraiment, nous devons escalader de gros rochers glissants, (photo ci-dessous).

Un parcours très stimulant qui m’a beaucoup plu. Un bon cardio dans un superbe coin de nature qui renforce l’esprit de groupe (nous étions déjà une super équipe avant!). J’oubliai, l’eau est gelée. Outdoors baby!

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-12A-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Retour au camp

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-15-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K


Dernière étape avant de rentrer au camp : plonger dans la rivière… heureusement, pas au niveau des chutes de la photo ci-dessus! Mais dans un endroit plus calme offrant un léger courant (photos ci-dessous).  

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-16-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-17-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Un peu de glamping

Confortable tente meublée d’un vrai lit, d’une coiffeuse et d’un mini jardin zen (composé de rochers), au sommet d’une petite falaise, avec une vue plongeante sur la rivière et la nature vierge. Les rayons tièdes du soleil, agréables…

A peine le temps de nous changer que nous quittons le centre Azenhas da Seda, pour aller à Avis. Fin de journée bien remplie, heureuse de cette première expérience en rafting! Somnoler légèrement, en regardant le paysage défiler…

Portugal-Alentejo-Rafting-Azenhas-da-Seda-Glamping-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Dormir dans les vignes

Portugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Le soleil est encore fort

quand nous arrivons à l’Herdade da Cortesia. J’en profite pour faire quelques photos de la chambre, avant le dîner. J’aime la vue depuis la salle de bain, en cinémascope, superbe! Comme une impression d’un élégant ranch du bout du monde, pampa…

Décoration agréable, lumière tamisée : je n’ai pas la force de lever le store face au lit. Si je m’assoie, je m’endors : courage Mademoiselle! Deux dernières photos du post (ci-dessous) : le restaurant et la grande tablée du dîner. A demain…

Portugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-8-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Avis-Herdade-da-Cortesia-9-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K


Visit PortugalVisit Alentejo, Solar dos Lilases, Azenhas da SedaHerdade da Cortesia


Un grand merci à Visit Alentejo et à Visit Portugal pour cette superbe invitation. Merci aussi à l’équipe d’Azenhas da Seda. Comme toujours, ce sont mes opinions.

Weight Loss in The French Alps

France-Brides-les-Bains-Hotel-du-Golf-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-Treatments-French-Alps-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K


France-Brides-les-Bains-Lunch-Hotel-du-Golf-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Arrival

I went to Geneva really early morning and arrive at the Golf Hotel in Brides-les-Bains in the French Alps around 1 p.m. I feel exhausted. A light quick meal on a tray in my room, with a tasty salad Nicoise (above, photo 1) and two slices of (canned – I guess) pineapple (photo 2).

Then I have a rendezvous with a dietitian. After asking me several questions about my lifestyle, diet and relationship with food, he explains the mistakes I make and how to stop them. I will spend the next few days with 1300 calories per day. During the consultation is also planned a bioelectrical impedance analysis (“fat body mass/lean body mass/energy requirements“). As time flies, we reschedule another appointment to do it.

Next: I go to Grand Spa Thermal for my slimming treatments (above, photo 3). I start with the jet shower: a strong pressure water directed all over the body for 8 minutes. Then the Hydroxeur whirlpool bath for 15 minutes (above, photo 4): immersed in the thermal water of Brides-le-Bains, jets massages work all over your body (it’s really relaxing). And finally, the excellent Brides anti-cellulite massage (a kind of Swedish massage) from a qualified physiotherapist for 30 minutes.

France-Brides-les-Bains-Hotel-du-Golf-View-From-My-Room-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-Treatments-French-Alps-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The view from my balcony!

Back to the hotel, where I finally enjoy the beautiful view! I’m in the Alps my dear! The air is crisp and invigorating. I haven’t slept for 24 hours and I feel in an amazing shape (LOL). I have to change myself for dinner …

France-Brides-les-Bains-Hotel-du-Golf-View-From-My-Room-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-Treatments-French-Alps-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  France-Brides-les-Bains-Hotel-du-Golf-View-From-My-Room-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-Treatments-French-Alps-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Dinner

At 8 p.m., I join my girlfriends to dinner at the hotel restaurant. Surprise: the dishes are as beautiful as good! An asparagus starter followed by a local trout with fennel and ink pasta and for the dessert, a super light fruit mousse. Excellent menu, without any sensation of hunger or lack of quantity!

All hotels in Brides-les-Bains offer diet menus. At the Golf Hotel, the menus were developed by Chef Sébastien Roux and Nathalie Negro, Dietician and Head of the Nutritional Center of the Thermes de Brides-les-Bains.

France-Brides-les-Bains-Dinner-Hotel-du-Golf-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-1A-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K


France-Brides-les-Bains-Hiking-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The wake up at 6:30 a.m.

after a really good night sleep. Do I need to say I am absolutely not a morning person? But at 7 am, I join the group to go tasting my first big glass of the Brides-les-Bains thermal water. Cheers! The taste is not wow, but soon you get used to. Mostly due to the motivating virtues: depurative and appetite suppressing properties (and also laxative for me)! I add a second glass of cold spring water before returning at the hotel for my dietary breakfast.

8 a.m.: departure for a nice (and sporting) walk (all uphill!) to La Saulce hamlet and its pretty chapel (photos above and below). We don’t hang around: at 9:10 we have a collective course of Swiss Ball in the Espace d’activités physiques des Thermes de Brides-les-Bains. I had never tried the Swiss Ball before. And at the end of the course – where I sweated a river (I hardly exaggerating!) – I love it! Playful and physical.

Then I head to the Grand Spa Thermal (the entrance is at the same floor). After a shower and the excellent anti-cellulite herbal tea (licorice taste), I stay in the hydromassage bath for 15 minutes. It looks like the Hydroxeur whirlpool bath: a slightly heated bath with the Brides thermal water. But instead of an automated program, a therapist manually directs the jet depending on body parts to treat.

Next treatment: an affusion sculpting massage for 20 minutes. In france, the term “massage” is used when the massage is from a qualified physiotherapist. And sculpting massage (“modelage” in French) when it’s from a masseuse. “Affusion” means under a light rain of thermal water. My advice: between oil and thermal water, wear an old swimsuit :)) I finished my care today by the famous jet shower, for 8 minutes. Tonic! 

France-Brides-les-Bains-Hiking-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  France-Brides-les-Bains-Hiking-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KFrance-Brides-les-Bains-Sports-Workout-Fitness-Gym-Ball-SWiss-Ball-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Lunch at The Golf Hotel

We meet at the hotel for a lunch on the terrace under a beautiful blue sky. The menu: delicious “green and cora lentil salad with ginger. Chicken breast, broccoli and a marble verrine with lychees and blueberries and liquorice juice.” (photos below). Everything is just delicious!

France-Brides-les-Bains-Lunch-Hotel-du-Golf-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Hiking in The Forest

France-Brides-les-Bains-Mountain-Hiking-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Pace Is Accelerating

2 p.m., in front of the City Hall: departure for a hike organized by the Tourist Office of Brides-les-Bains. I took my big camera and hallucinate watching the group of fifteen walkers “pros” super equipped with jackets, backpacks, sticks and appropriate footwear! Nobody warned me that this 2 hour hike is difficult level (welcome back Mademoiselle Le K!).

It begins with a climb (an – endless – climb for over an hour), with a super steep terrain. Intensive cardio training! Very narrow path (about 30 cm width) and a fear of slipping with my trendy sneakers (a real tourist)! Do forget this if you have vertigo! Pace of hell like a small stride! Really?!

Fortunately, this walking group was fantastic! A gentleman brought my heavy camera in his bag and closed the hike behind me. With another gentlewoman, they each lent me a stick. All along the climb, I have only thought of the descent back that I imagined far worse than the climb! Fortunately we go down through a forest road much larger and easier leading to a lovely casquade.

Now I admit, I am proud and pleased to have done this hike (below photos)! I forgot 4 p.m., I have a meeting with a coach for a cardio session on bike and treadmill at the Espace d’activités physiques des Thermes de Brides-les-Bains. Is this a joke? Nooope! Who said a mountain stay was restful ?! I did an amazing cycling and treadmill session! Short break at the spa’s jacuzzi, to relax my muscles! I do not feel tired, weird …

France-Brides-les-Bains-Mountain-Hiking-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  France-Brides-les-Bains-Mountain-Hiking-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KFrance-Brides-les-Bains-Mountain-Hiking-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  France-Brides-les-Bains-Mountain-Hiking-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Dinner at The Golf Hotel

The last meal of a 1300 calorie day could be a depressing concept (lol), except with such a festin! Thank you to the gifted Chef Sébastien Roux.

France-Brides-les-Bains-Dinner-Hotel-du-Golf-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K


France-Brides-les-Bains-Hiking-To-Salins-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Walk to Salins-les-Thermes

New early morning walk at a pace of hell: I specialized myself in the small stride, lol! After our ritual largest thermal water glass and a spring water glass, followed by breakfast at the Golf Hotel, we are ready for a short 1 or 1:30 hour walk to Salins (the path in pictures above and below)!

We go back hitchhiking to Brides-les-Bains (first time in my life, completely insane!). Cause we didn’t have enough time to go back by walking. Next: I am a jury member of the amateur cooking competition of Nourrir sa santé festival. Hurry up Mademoiselle!

France-Brides-les-Bains-Hiking-To-Salins-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  France-Brides-les-Bains-Hiking-To-Salins-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KFrance-Brides-les-Bains-Hiking-To-Salins-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Lunch at The Grand Hotel des Thermes

Sat at the sunny terrace of the Cedars restaurant, I discover the dietary cuisine of the Chef Thierry Giannini.

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After The Effort

First, I do my first CTA (Alternating Circuit Training) session at the Espace d’activités physiques that alternately works endurance and muscle building (believe me, you s-w-e-a-t my dear!). Then I go to the Grand Spa Thermal for my last afternoon of slimming treaments (photo below).

The Hydroxeur whirlpool bath for 15 minutes, then the affusion sculpting massage for 20 minutes: the routine, lol! And I end with something new in my program, the slimming seaweed body wrap for 20 minutes … I fall asleep. 

When I leave the Grand Spa Thermal, I barely have time to go to the Golf Hotel to get ready and go for dinner outside. But I did not like the food. Okay, I’m tired tonight!

France-Brides-les-Bains-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Weight-Loss-Spa-Slimming-French-Alps-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Breakfasts

France-Brides-les-Bains-Hotel-du-Golf-Breakfasts-Grand-Spa-Thermal-Slimming-French-Alps-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Mea culpa

I haven’t demonstrated great originality. Every day the same breakfast, prepared according to the recommendations of the dietitian: green tea, 60 grams of black bread or baguette, I chose the baguette in France! 60 grams equal two pieces of bread (but it was not pretty for the photo!). A mini jar of jam, thin slice of cheese and fruit. An orgy!

On my way back home, I extend this large green bowl at the Geneva airport …  green vertigo: green trim from head to toe, LOL (photo below)! I even lost a kilo between the first and second day of my slimming treatment! Then, I didn’t weight me. Useless:

I feel good : healthy, toned and in better shape. Happy!

Geneva-Airport-OPI-Manicure-Waiting-For-My-Flight-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.


Grand Spa Thermal de Brides-les-BainsOffice du tourisme de Brides-les-Bains


Many Thanks to the Thermes de Brides-les-Bains and the Office du tourisme de Brides-les-Bains for this invigorating invitation :)) As always, these opinions are my own.