Tag Archives: Outdoors

Cabo Verde: What to do in Boa Vista

The Day Trip Jeep Safari

Discovering The Island

This morning, Frank and Andrea Hennick, our guides and owners of the Boa Vista Tours agency, pick us up at our hotel for a day trip in Boa Vista Island. We are a small group of about ten people in two comfortable jeeps. As the couple is German, the tour is in German. But as my friend and I do not speak German, Andrea will translate the essentials of the program in English.

We take the Route 66 paved by the women of Boa Vista, from what I understood. We cross the inland of the island, the landscape is arid and deserted and almost unreal. We will stop in Bofareira, a small village. Far from mass tourism, our guides have forged strong bonds of friendship with the villagers. We can feel a mutual respect. It sounds true and simple. And also “cliché” in a time of big cynicism. We visit the new small school, a project in which Frank participates. Some of us brought clothes and school supplies for the young students. Then we slowly take the road towards the coast.

We arrive near more tourist areas, but always avoiding the crowd. We have lunch in an idyllic beach, at the pleasant beach bar Pérola d’Chaves serving local specialties, run by a Cape Verdean woman who lived in Germany. Charming and quiet: the kind of place you don”t want to leave. In the afternoon, we go south with the huge beaches of Santa Mónica and Varandinha. Incredible scenery under a strong wind! In return, driving on the dunes of Morro d’Areia (behind the beaches). The more “adventurous” of us experience sandboarding. In short, thanks to Frank and Andrea who have a deep attachment for Boa Vista and its inhabitants, we spent a fantastic day full of discoveries and emotions. No need to speak German to participate in this wonderful excursion!

The Quad Tour

The South Coast of Boa Vista

My second time driving quad, a great moment! Lololol! This time, the activity organized by TUI extends over an afternoon (4 hours) in a breathtaking setting!

When we arrive at the quad rental center, the team gives us the equipment and explains us how to drive safetly the quad. First tip, take a plastic bag to put your belongings, so the sand doesn’t dirty them. Second tip, also take an old sweater (the wind can be cold when driving, especially at the end of the day). And basic advices, if you do not want to burn in the blazing sun: a thin long-sleeved shirt on a tank top (when you stop at a spot, it’s hot), comfortable pants with light sneakers (and socks, the sand is highly irritant) and sunglasses. In short, a good dose of common sense not very glamorous! 

We are divided into two major language groups: French and English. We will all do the same tour, one group will leave before the other and we will meet at some stops. The activity is very well supervised and secure : several instructors and some with an emergency quad that circulates back to check that none of us has any problem. Heading south of the island, the landscapes are stunning and very rocky. We crisscross on a track surrounded by small ocher hills. Then we stop in a village to buy water. We continue to the coast, where we park the quads back from the beach. In this untouched scenery, I have a feeling of infinity. When we return, nonchalantly the day goes down. I am full of sand, but what a beautiful experience! Athletic.

Visiting Sal Rey

Following the beach line

Sal Rei is the main city of Boa Vista Island. The city is small (9000 inhabitants according to Le Petit Futé guide) and very quiet. So very quickly we decide to return to our hotel by the beach, a good hour of walking taking our time. I really liked the walk, the coastline is not yet disfigured by too many resorts. There are long beaches without construction, euphoric for the eyes! We meet local and tourist walkers and runners. A lot of kitsurfers and very few beach clubs.

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés


Tours : Boa Vista Tours & TUI

Flying to Cabo Verde : Tui Fly   

Where to sleep : Riu Palace Hotel

Related posts : Destinations & Hotel Review

Many thanks to Boa Vista Tours, TUI, TUI Fly and Riu Palace Hotel. As always, these are my opinions. 

Cap Vert: que faire à Boa Vista

Une journée en Jeep

A la découverte de l’île

Ce matin, Frank et Andrea Hennick, nos guides et propriétaires de l’agence Boa Vista Tours, passent nous récupérer à notre hôtel, pour participer à l’excursion d’une journée sur l’île de Boa Vista. Nous sommes un petit groupe d’une dizaine de personnes réparties dans deux confortables jeeps. Comme le couple est allemand, le tour est en langue allemande. Mais comme mon ami et moi, nous ne parlons pas l’allemand, Andrea nous traduira l’essentiel en anglais.

Très vite, nous empruntons la Route 66, pavée par les femmes de Boa Vista, d’après ce que j’ai compris. Nous traversons l’intérieur de l’île, le paysage est aride et désert, l’atmosphère presque irréelle. Nous nous arrêterons dans un petit village Bofareira. Loin du tourisme de masse, nos guides ont tissés des liens d’amitié forts avec les villageois. On sent un respect mutuel, ça sonne vrai et simple. Et aussi “cliché”, dans une époque de grand cynisme. Nous visitons la nouvelle petite école, un projet auquel Frank participe. Certains d’entre nous, ont apportés des vêtements et des fournitures scolaires pour les jeunes élèves. Puis nous reprenons la route calmement vers le littoral. 

On s’approche de zones plus touristiques, mais toujours en évitant la foule. Nous déjeunons sur une plage idyllique, dans l’agréable Pérola d’Chaves, un beach bar servant des spécialités locales, tenu par une capverdienne qui a vécu en Allemagne. Charmant et tranquille : le genre d’endroit qu’on ne veut plus quitter. Dans l’après-midi, nous gagnons le sud avec les immenses plages Santa Mónica et Varandinha. Décors incroyables, le vent est fort! Au retour, conduite sur les dunes de Morro d’Areia (en retrait des plages). Les plus téméraires expérimentent un zest de sandboarding (surf sur sable) Bref, grâce à Frank et Andrea qui ont un profond attachement pour Boa Vista et ses habitants, nous avons passé une journée riche en découvertes et émotions. Merci! Pas besoin de parler l’allemand pour participer à cette superbe excursion!

Un tour en Quad

La Côte Sud de Boa Vista

Ma deuxième fois en quad, un grand moment! Lololol! Cette fois, l’activité  organisée par TUI, s’étend sur une après-midi (4 heures), dans un décor à couper le souffle!

Lorsque nous arrivons au centre de location des quads, nous nous équipons. Premier conseil, prenez un sac en plastique (pas percé) pour mettre vos effets personnels, pour que le sable ne les salissent pas. Deuxième conseil, prenez aussi un pull qui a vécu ou un vieux sweetshirt (on a vite froid avec le vent lorsqu’on roule, surtout en fin de journée). Et conseils de base, si vous ne voulez pas brûler sous le soleil ardent : une fine chemise manche longue sur un débardeur (quand on s’arrête il fait chaud), un pantalon confortable avec de légères baskets (et chaussettes, le sable est super irritant) et lunettes de soleil. Bref une bonne dose de bon sens, pas très glamour!

Nous sommes répartis en deux grands groupes linguistiques : francophone et anglophone. Nous ferons tous le même parcours, un groupe partira avant l’autre et nous nous croiserons à certaines haltes. L’activité est très bien encadrée et sécurisée, plusieurs instructeurs, avec un quad dédié à l’urgence qui circule en retrait pour vérifier qu’aucun d’entre nous n’a de problème. Direction le Sud de l’île, les paysages sont superbes, très rocailleux par endroit : on sillonne sur une piste cernée de collines ocres. Puis nous nous arrêtons dans un village pour acheter de l’eau. Nous continuons vers le littoral, où nous garons les quads en retrait de la plage. Impression d’infini, tellement le décor est présent. Quand on rentre, le jour se couche nonchalamment. Je suis pleine de sable, mais quelle belle expérience! Sportive.

Visite de Sal Rei

Au bout d’une longue plage

Sal Rei est la ville principale de l’île de Boa Vista. La ville est petite (9000 habitants environ d’après le guide Le Petit Futé) et très tranquille. Aussi très vite nous décidons de rentrer à notre hôtel, par la plage, soit une bonne heure de marche, en prenant notre temps. J’ai aimé la promenade, car le littoral n’est pas encore défiguré par de nombreux resorts. Il y a de longues étendues de plages sans construction et c’est euphorisant pour les yeux. On y croise des promeneurs, locaux et touristes. Pas mal de kitsurfers : il y a beaucoup de vent. Et de rares beach clubs. 

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés


Les excursions : Boa Vista Tours & TUI

Comment s’y rendre : Tui Fly   

Où dormir : Riu Palace Hotel

Autres articles : Destinations & Hotel Review

Un grand merci à Boa Vista, TUI, TUI Fly et Riu Palace Hotel. Comme toujours ce sont mes opinions.

Azores: São Miguel Island

From Ponta Delgada To Furnas

Chá Gorreana

Yesterday I was in the small island (and gem) Santa Maria. Today, we discover the largest island of the Azores archipelago São Miguel with an area of 744.7 km ². Same team and awakening to dawns! We drive to the tea plantations.

After the tea of the Seychelles, the one of the Azores! So we visit of the Chá Gorreana family factory which produces organic tea. In the photos above and videos below: some key steps in the manufacture of tea (from leaf to tea bag). 



If you have trouble watching the videos, refresh the page and move the cursor a bit forwad on the timeline. And if it doesn’t work, do not hesitate to leave me a comment.. 



Next: Furnas

Poça da Dona Beija

Arriving at Furnas, we head towards the Poça da Dona Beija thermal baths with ferruginous spring water (photos above). I really enjoy the setting: the garden at the entrance of the complex reminded me of Kyoto. I guess I miss Japan.

Unfortunately I didn’t have time to test the water’s benefits. Our timing is tight. We are on our way to the geysers in another area of Furnas (picture below). 

Caldeiras Termas

A lunar landscape with boiling water wells and smoke. It’s fascinating and mostly because these geysers are so close to homes (photos and videos below).



At Furnas Lake

End Of Cooking The Lunch

A short drive to Furnas Lake to attend the last step of cooking the Cozido das Furnas, a traditional dish cooked in the earth (quite similar to the French Pot au feu). The attraction is very touristy, but it is not annoying as the landscape around is beautiful!

Each restaurant has a dedicated “oven” (a deep hole in the earth), where the meal has cooked for several hours. A reduced team of men digs up to take the dish out of the earth. Then loaded in a van trunk, it will be delivered to the corresponding restaurant. For us: the restaurant of the Terra Nostra Garden Hotel. 



The Terra Nostra Garden Hotel

A Smart Art Deco Hotel

We have lunch at the cosy Terra Nostra Garden Restaurant. The art Deco interior evokes the felted world of Hercule Poirot (the super star detective of Agatha Christie)!

Our main dish, the Cozido das Furnas is made up of different meats and vegetables cooked “à l’étouffée” (sort of a steamed stew). I defenitly like the local bread, its texture is close to the pancake, so delicious!

Then a long walk in the Terra Nostra Botanical Park with the huge 35-40 ° ferruginous thermal pool and superb gardens with over 2000 species of trees and a magnificent collection of camellias (video and photos below ). Yes, I love camellias! 


Before Leaving Furnas

A coffee at the Furnas Boutique Hotel (pictures below), decorated by Nini Andrade Silva (yes again!). In my article about Ponta Delgada, you can see her interior design for the Azor Hotel. 

Third photo below (and video): the wide swimming pool of the Pedras Do Mar Resort & Spa where we tasted some Gins of the Azores in late afternoon! More original than an umpteenth cocktail! And nice minimalist contemporary interior design.



Dinner At The Caloura Bar In Lagoa


In A Small Creek

Close to fishing boats, we dinner at the Caloura Bar in a friendly genuine atmosphere. The grilled fish is really fresh and tasty!

The Next Day

Before The Plane

Already our last morning in the Azores! Early departure to the Ponta Delgada market where I buy cheeses to offer (the “scent” in the suitcase, lololol!). Then we arrive at the soothing Lake Fogo, located in a nature reserve (photos and latest video below).

And we are lucky, nobody’s on the site! Short walk to one of the peaks around the lake. I am super happy (I need to exercise). But quickly, we have to go down and to rush to the airport! We’re almost late! 




Bye Bye Awesome Azores!

Sete Cidades  

A last view of the Green and Blue Lakes, which according to legend have been formed by the tears of a pastor and a princess having a forbidden love.

Question (from a former student in Anthropology): why are lakes and waterfalls often the results of forbidden love in different cultures? If you have any explanation, you’re welcome to leave a comment below! 

At midday, the Ponta Delgada airport. Next stop : Cascais via Lisbon … and I hope an ice cream at Santini!


Photos & vidéos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.


Visit AzoresVisit PortugalTAP


Many thanks to Visit Azores, Visit Portugal and TAP for this superb invitation. As always, these are my opinions.