Category Archives: Beauty-Full/Beauté

I Tested The Slimming Massage of Martine de Richeville

Photo : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2012, tous droits réservés.

Last year reading a slimming article (oops!), I discovered the method of Martine de Richeville that sculpts the body by working on the fatty tissue. I was quite intrigued. And whenI was offered to experience a massage by Martine Richeville itself two days ago: I said ok without really knowing what  expecting. A journalist warned me that it would be “a little” painful (LOL)! Never mind, I’m addicted to Thai and Chinese massages, which are absolutely not pleasant!                  

 When I arrive, a huge red sumo welcomes me, the perfect metaphor for the perception I have of my body now (Ok I’m over exaggerating!). The session begins with a vigorous belly massage (deep kneading and pinching). Very painful! The work on certain organs makes me sweat in less than 5 minutes! As a consolation, I focus on the Louboutin shoes of my therapist, a really chic massage! But that does not detract from the fact the massage is painful. Gradually the pain subsides. The outside of the arms received the same treatment. After being on the back, it was the turn of each side, then the back and the neck. The whole body.                          

Martine Richeville explains that this work on the fatty tissue she’s practiced for 15 years, allows to empty toxins and sculpt the body as the “dough”. Suddently I have a flash: the sumo dude’s belly at the entrance (LOL)! On leaving I feel slightly euphoric, completely soft and relaxed, with the huge desire to  sleep ( good point). Two days later, I still have some body parts that hurt a bit, as after the first sessions of resumption of sport. Not really aches, rather the awakening of some muscles that I never work! Even if I do not see any change on my silhouette in a session, I feel that my body is released and “unlocked” and I have less appetite. Such an interesting experience!  

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J’ai testé le massage minceur de Martine de Richeville

Photo : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2012, tous droits réservés.

En lisant un article minceur l’an dernier, je découvre la méthode de Martine de Richeville qui sculpte le corps par un travail sur les tissus graisseux. J’étais  assez intriguée. Et lorsque l’on me propose il y a deux jours, d’expérimenter un  massage par Martine de Richeville elle-même : ni une ni deux j’accepte, sans vraiment savoir à quoi m’attendre. Une journaliste m’avait prévenu que ça serait “un peu” douloureux (hum hum)! Qu’à cela ne tienne : je suis accro aux massages thaï et chinois qui sont tout sauf agréables!

En arrivant, un énorme sumo rouge vif m’accueille, jolie métaphore sur la perception  que j’ai de mon corps actuellement (LOL LOL! Ok j’exagère un peu). La séance commence par un vigoureux massage du ventre (pétrissage et pincements profonds) vraiment très douloureux! Le travail sur certains organes me fait transpirer en moins de 5 minutes! En guise de réconfort, je me focalise sur la paire de Louboutin de ma thérapeuthe, so chic massage! Mais ça n’enlève rien au fait que j’ai vraiment mal. Peu à peu la douleur s’atténue. L‘extérieur des bras reçoit le même traitement. Après avoir été sur le dos, c’est au tour de chacun des côtés, puis du dos et de la nuque. Tout le corps y passe.

Martine de Richeville m’explique que ce travail sur les tissus qu’elle pratique depuis 15 ans, permet de les vider des toxines et de sculpter le corps comme de la “pâte à modeler“. Et là, j’ai un flash : le ventre de mon pote le sumo, à l’entrée (LOL)! En sortant je me sens légèrement euphorique, complètement molle et assouplie : je n’ai qu’une envie dormir (plutôt bon signe). Deux jours après, j’ai encore quelques parties du corps qui font un peu mal, comme après les premières séances de reprise d’un sport. Pas vraiment des courbatures, plutôt le réveil de certains muscles que je ne fais jamais travailler! Même si je n’ai pas vu de changement sur ma silhouette en une séance, je sens que mon corps est délié, comme débloqué et j’ai moins d’appétit. 

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The Hot Cold Wellbeing Treatment of The Thermes Marins de Saint Malo @ Sapsiba, Brussels

I recently experienced the new hot cold wellness treatment of the Thermes Marins de Saint-Malo, very effective for problems of heavy legs. I took a  late afternoon appointment at SpasibaI prefer, to enjoy the full benefits, without having to run after. As I arrived very advance, I choice to relax in the sauna and steam bath cabins. After my training in South Tirol, now I can enjoy the dry heat of the sauna I alternate with the steam bath. I could spend hours, when Paola, my therapist, fetches me. The hot cold treatment begins with a cryogenic wrapping of legs to revitalize the circulatory function. Understand the cold effect: more you have circulatory problems, more you feel a bitter cold in your lower body, like a plogeon in an ice cube tray! This wrap is made of kelp, derivative of mint (cooling agent), extract of small Holly (draining venotonic) and extract of Horse Chestnut (tonic, decongestant and draining). For the upper body, the application of the Mousse Marine Auto-chauffante relaxes and releases tension in the upper back. The ingredients are the famous kelp that revitalize stimulate, tone and remineralize the skin, as well as clay to drain, clean, remineralize, soften and absorb impurities from the skin. Once coated the entire body, Paola works by pressures the points of tension between my neck and shoulders : not very pleasant. Then I take a shower: not so easy to rinse the clay! And it smells like the sea, the Brittany coat, yes really, lol!

I still feel the Arctic in the legs, while Paola applies the Crème Criste Marine for hydration of the upper body. This cream contains extracts of spirulina (to nourish, regenerate and remineralize the skin), Samphire (for brightness), Chondrus (for hydration), water Sea (to regenerate and remineralize) and sesame oil (as a moisturizing and anti-irritant). For legs: the Gelée Fraîche Jambe Lourde, with kelp  (to tone, stimulate and remineralize), Sea water (tonic and invigorating), extract of Horse Chestnut and Butcher’s Broom (as  adraining and venotonic), menthol (cool), essential oils of sage and rosemary (as a tonic and decongestant) and minerals and marine trace elements (such as catalysts of cellular metabolism). Sorry for this long list of components and their action, but I think it is important to know what we apply on our skin. FINALLY I feel REALLY detressed and completely “mellow” and almost asleep. Unfortunately it’s already the end of the treatment. And I stay a bit in the relaxation room before going to the changing room, where I notice my legs were deflated! In the street, I feel like having a fresh light pair of chopsticks (the cold feeling persists), it’s very pleasant! And I just feel good.

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2012, tous droits réservés.

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