Tag Archives: Lifestyle

Philips DiamondClean 300 Series Toothbrush

Philips-Sonicare-Diamond Clean-300 Series-4-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Have you ever thought to connect your toothbrush to your laptop?

To recharge? No! Then what follows will captivate you! I tested the latest Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 300 Series.

Classy, all dressed in black, with different brushing mode that appear discreetly on the sleeve. I am a visual and enjoy design in all its forms. Beautiful object easy to use with good ergonomics.

First I thought the glass of the Sonicare was to rinse the mouth. No – read the instructions! The glass is used to charge the toothbrush only. Do I need adding that my family team which assisted me (I hate reading manuals alone), was equally baffled (LOL!).

But what really cracked me is the USB port that allows to connect the elegant box of the toothbrush, to a computer for charging when you’re on a trip. So chic!

Philips-Sonicare-Diamond Clean-300 Series-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Nomadic geek toothbrush

Yep we could use batteries or plug it into an outlet (boring). But why? Why when you can connect it to your computer? I love the concept!

I took my Sonicare on press trips. No need to mention that we became inseparable … yes like in ads! I’m a kind of traveler that packs light and ultra compact, while taking a lot of things (especially to prepare my look books)! 

The Sonicare is featherweight and has excellent battery life. And its ergonomic lightweight box easily fits in a suitcase or handbag of a “real” girl (tote or shopping bag, the “changing” bag following us all day, not miniature clutch of the latest fashionista!).

I’m not going to make it long about the different brushing modes: same principle than for all electric toothbrushes! After according to each one’s needs, you choose whether to use the “Polish” or “Clean” mode etc … 

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés



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Philips: Brosse à dents Sonicare DiamondClean 300 Series

Philips-Sonicare-Diamond Clean-300 Series-4-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Avez-vous jamais pensé à connecter votre brosse à dents à votre portable?

Pour la recharger? Non, vraiment pas. Alors ce qui suit va vous captiver! J’ai testé la petite dernière Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 300 Series.

Classieuse, toute de noir vêtue, avec les différents mode de brossage qui s’affichent discrètement sur le manche. Je suis une visuelle, amoureuse du design sous toute ses formes. Bel objet très simple d’utilisation, offrant une bonne ergonomie.

J’ai d’abord pensé que le verre qui accompagne la Sonicare était pour se rincer la bouche. Que nenni – en lisant la notice! Le verre sert à recharger la brosse à dents. J’ajoute que l’équipe familiale qui m’assistait (je déteste lire les notices seule), était tout aussi déroutée que moi (LOL!).

Mais ce qui m’a fait vraiment craquer, c’est la prise USB qui permet lors d’un voyage, de connecter l’élégant boitier de la brosse à dents, à un ordinateur pour la recharger. So chic!

Philips-Sonicare-Diamond Clean-300 Series-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Brosse à dents geek & nomade 

Oui, on pourrait comme le commun se contenter de piles, ou encore de la brancher directement sur secteur. Mais pourquoi quand on peut la connecter à son ordinateur? J’adore!

Ni une ni deux, j’ai emmené ma Sonicare en presse trips. Autant dire qu’on ne se quitte plus elle et moi… oui comme dans la pub! Suis du genre à voyager ULTRA léger et compact, tout en emportant pas mal de choses (surtout pour préparer mes look books)!

Poids plume, la Sonicare a une excellente autonomie. Et son boîtier, léger et ergonomique, se glisse facilement dans une valise, ou dans  le sac à main d’une “vraie” fille (fourre-tout ou cabas, le sac évolutif qui nous suit toute une journée, pas la pochette miniature d’une dernière fashionista!).

Je ne me suis pas appesantie sur les différents modes de brossage (le principe même de toutes les brosses à dents électriques), car je prends pour acquis que l’essentiel y est. Après en fonction de ses besoins propres, on choisira d’utiliser ou non le mode “Polish” ou “White” etc…

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés



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Vila Vita Parc, Portugal: Stunning Gardens & Beaches

Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

A blessing to wake up with a such a beautifuf sun

and blue sky! We arrived the night before in a light rain at the Vila Vita Parc, fearing for the weather of this long weekend.

Fantastic brightness! What a great feeling! On my way to the Atlântico restaurant, for breakfast, I discover a multitude of trees, plants and flowers. As a symphony of colors where green predominates and nature is sublimated.

The art of farniente (doing nothing and enjoy), we immediately found this elevated hut as our “place” to chill out, close to the small hotel beach (photos below).

Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-3-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014 Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-4-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-6-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Around noon long visit of the stunning gardens, 

maintained by more than fifty gardeners. The sun is at its zenith and I am happy to be in the shade in the kart! Strong light reveals the different greens of vegetation.

We stop first at a small wrought iron gate to reach the second public beach near the resort. One of the best spots to watch the sunset! And check out here the first beach of the resort.

Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-7-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014 Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-8-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-11-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

We head to one of five luxurious villas

with buttler: photo above the roof of one of the vilas with a traditional fireplace of the Algarve.

Then we stop at Aladin Bar: my favorite ocean view terrace, inspired by Moorish and Arabic design. This is the place to enjoy a fruit cocktail in the evening (open from 6:30 p.m. till 1:30 a.m.)!

For the lazy ones, let the blazing sun and sunburns to athletes, LOL! And try these amazing Pool Bar‘s swing beds (last photo)! Trust the Queen of the “hammocking” (the art of hammock) ; )

Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-10-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014Vila Vita Parc-Restaurants-Gardens-Beach-Bar-13-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés.



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I was hosted with a friend by the Vila Vita Parc and as always these are my opinions. Many thanks to all the team at Vila Vita Parc.