Tag Archives: Charging on Computer

Philips DiamondClean 300 Series Toothbrush

Philips-Sonicare-Diamond Clean-300 Series-4-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Have you ever thought to connect your toothbrush to your laptop?

To recharge? No! Then what follows will captivate you! I tested the latest Philips Sonicare DiamondClean 300 Series.

Classy, all dressed in black, with different brushing mode that appear discreetly on the sleeve. I am a visual and enjoy design in all its forms. Beautiful object easy to use with good ergonomics.

First I thought the glass of the Sonicare was to rinse the mouth. No – read the instructions! The glass is used to charge the toothbrush only. Do I need adding that my family team which assisted me (I hate reading manuals alone), was equally baffled (LOL!).

But what really cracked me is the USB port that allows to connect the elegant box of the toothbrush, to a computer for charging when you’re on a trip. So chic!

Philips-Sonicare-Diamond Clean-300 Series-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Nomadic geek toothbrush

Yep we could use batteries or plug it into an outlet (boring). But why? Why when you can connect it to your computer? I love the concept!

I took my Sonicare on press trips. No need to mention that we became inseparable … yes like in ads! I’m a kind of traveler that packs light and ultra compact, while taking a lot of things (especially to prepare my look books)! 

The Sonicare is featherweight and has excellent battery life. And its ergonomic lightweight box easily fits in a suitcase or handbag of a “real” girl (tote or shopping bag, the “changing” bag following us all day, not miniature clutch of the latest fashionista!).

I’m not going to make it long about the different brushing modes: same principle than for all electric toothbrushes! After according to each one’s needs, you choose whether to use the “Polish” or “Clean” mode etc … 

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés



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