Tag Archives: Discovery

Kent, UK: A walk in Sandwich


After the exceptional gardens of Walmer Castel, let’s stroll in the picturesque small streets of  Sandwich. Look at the first picture, don’t you feel like being in the episodes of The Avengers! Lovely! Sandwich is a medieval town of Kent that used to be the most important port of England between the eleventh and thirteenth centuries. The Saxon orign’s name of Sandwich meant sandy place, or the place on the sand. But what about Sandwich the food? Well, circa 1762, John Montagu,  the Earl of Sandwich and a burnt-out gambler, invented the sandwich. The legendary says while he was playing an endless game of cards, he asked for something to eat. The cook prepared him meat and cheese between bread to keep his hands clean. And our sandwich friend was born! Next stop : Whitestable’s seaside… sounds exciting too!

All related posts to Kent : DESTINATIONS 

For more informations :  Visit Kent, www.visitkent.co.uk


Dover, UK: The White Cliffs and St Margaret’s Bay

After arriving by Ferry in Dover,  I shortly drive to St Margaret’s Bay, a peaceful small bay nestled in the White Cliffs, only accessible by car. Menacing skies  like in a painting. Few people have a picnic on the rocks, others go for a walk near the cliffs. A deep feeling of calm, time seems to be stopped.

Photo above : At the left end of the bay, four houses are built on the rocks beach. One of them belonged to Ian Fleming (yes James Bond’s daddy!).

Photos above and below : late lunch @ Coastguard. Great bay view on the deck and good food. By the way, don’t forget to bring your sunblock! T: 01304 851019, www.thecoastguard.co.uk

After this relaxing break, I jump in the car to the Walmer Castle, where the Duke of Wellington (yes the famous Wellington boots!) lived. I look foward to discovering its amazing  gardens. See you there in my coming-up post… 

Informations : Visit Kent, www.visitkent.co.uk 

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The Crossing from Dunkerque to Dover  



The Crossing from Dunkerque to Dover

I go visiting Kent. Why? Because, I only know London (surprising!) and Ms Moss has a home in Kent (oops! gossip girl, shame on me!).  And it’s summertime and I want to have a big breath of fresh air in a superb English garden. More exclusive than dancefloors in Ibiza, isn’t it? So here the pictures of my first crossing from Dunkerque to Dover, aboard the DFDS Seaways ferry. Landscapes are  really impressive. The emerald green water’s color is amazing!

Pictures 2 & 3: Bye Bye Dunkerque! Lovely natural light and dramatic clouds, I feel spoiled as a photographer. But it’s too much windy on the decks, I chill in the relaxing VIP lounge, accessible with a first class ticket.  

Picturess 4 & 5: the famous White Cliffs of Dover! The frame is striking, hypnotic. White as chalk, those cliffs take a plunge in a cristallin water dark blue and emeraud green. Stonished!

Last picture: I arrive in Dover. Direction a small bay nestled in the White Cliffs : follow me there in my next post! 

Infos : the Ferry FDS Seaways good deal, from 1/6 till 30/9/11 : return trip on the same day, with a passenger car (max 7 people), 29€ per car. Or 5 days return trip: from 49€ per car with max 4 people. Phone: +32 (0)2 719 90 92, www.norfolkline.com, [email protected].

Related posts : DESTINATIONS