Tag Archives: Culture

Visakha Bucha Buddhist Celebration Near Amphawa

Without a first trip in Thailand when I was a student,

I will never become a photographer. And never showed my pictures of “Priests and Thai bikers” and all that follows … I will always have a very special link with this country, priests, people and landscapes!

Very emotional and souful to be back here years later, in the small village’s temple near Amphawa, Wat Bang Kapoam to celebrate Visakha Bucha: the birth, enlightenment and entry into nirvana of the Buddha. The most important festival of the Buddhist calendar. My first Vishaka Bucha.

I enjoy the atmosphere of Buddhist temples, the feeling of fredoom’s movement, the back ad forth of the people. Tonight, some of the priests set their camera during the ceremony (pictures 3,4 & 6). In the background, the monotone voice of a priest recites mantras in a microphone (picture 1).

I recieve a small booklet of  the Buddha’s life: I do not read Thai. Gradually, the temple gets full. People present their offerings (picture 3). Then suddenly everyone goes outside to light candles (picture 5).

We follow the procession of the priests. Slowly we turn three times around the temple, punctuated by the monotone microphone’s voice that imperturbable, continues to recite. The moment is pretty unreal, carried by voice I follow. I finally put my waterlily candle (with a very ingenious system to remove the candle from its waterlily envelope!) to make a wish. Tomorrow I take the road… again.

Thailand-Visakha Bucha-9-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés  

Follow my whole trip in THAILAND and Twitter. You can also discover my other pictures in the Facebook of the Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Facebook of the Royal Thai Embassy in Belgium. ENJOY!  

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Fête bouddhiste de Visakha Bucha près d’Amphawa

Sans ce voyage très jeune en Thaïlande,

je ne serai jamais devenue photographe. Je n’aurai jamais exposé mes photos de “Prêtres et bikers thaï” et tout ce qui s’en suit… J’aurai toujours un attachement très particulier avec ce pays, ses prêtres, sa population, ses paysages!

Très émouvant de me retrouver des années après, dans ce petit temple d’un village près d’Amphawa, Wat Bang Kapoam, pour célébrer Visakha Bucha : la naissance, l’illumination et l’entrée au nirvana de Bouddha. La plus importante fête du calendrier bouddhiste. Une première pour moi.

J’aime l’atmosphère des temples bouddhistes, cette liberté de mouvement, les allers venues. Ce soir, certains des prêtres règlent leur appareils photos, durant la cérémonie (photos 3,4 & 6). En fond sonore, la voix monocorde d’un prêtre récite dans un micro, ce que j’attribue à des mantras (photo 2).

On me tend une petite brochure sur la vie de Bouddha : je ne lis pas le thaï. Peu à peu, le temple se rempli. Les gens présentent leurs offrandes (photo 3). Puis d’un coup, tout le monde se dirige à l’extérieur pour allumer des bougies (photo 5).

Nous suivons le cortège des prêtres en tête. Lentement nous tournons trois fois autour du temple, rythmés par la voix monocorde du micro qui imperturbable, continue de réciter. L’instant est assez irréel, je suis sans comprendre portée par la voix. Je dépose enfin ma bougie-nénuphar (au système très ingénieux pour retirer la bougie de son enveloppe nénuphar!), en faisant un voeux. Demain je reprends la route.

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés 

Suivez mon voyage Travel Different Thailand dans ma rubrique THAILANDE (tous mes posts) et sur Twitter. Découvrez aussi mes autres photos de ce voyage sur le Facebook de l’office du tourisme thaïlandais et le Facebook de l’ambassade royale de Thaïlande en Belgique. ENJOY! 

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London Shopping, Art and Bar

Here is my ultimate London shopping, art and bar review: check my spring summer issue! For new comers: my city walks are one of the hallmarks of my blog (you can find all the city walks, full of exclusive address and tips in DESTINATIONS). I walk for hours and hours to capture, watch and take the pulse of the city. This time, I start to Piccadilly Circus, where was my hotel. Not really my usual London, I’m definitely more Portobello and East End than Soho or Covent Garden. Pictures 2 & 7: incredible, after so many trips to London, I’d never been to the National Gallery! I’m a big fan of the Tate Modern and the Victoria & Albert Museum (coming up post and if you like contemporary art, check my interview with Gilbert & George). In the picture 2, this piece of art (in gold or it looks like gold) of Elmgreen & Dragset  is placed in front of the  National Gallery. Honestly I don’t like it and I don’t dislike it, let’s say it intrigues me a bit. Picture 3: don’t miss the Radio Rooftop Bar, located on the top floor of the ME London (a newly opened hotel). For a drink or dinner with a panoramic view of the city … hoping you have a better weather than me (LOL!). Picture 4: totally by chance, on the side of Mayfair, I found in the lobby of a company’s building, my favorite work of the Portuguese artist, Joana Vasconcelos! I had the great opportunity to visit her workshop few years ago and see one of her famous giant sandals under construction! Small world! Picture 6: the most iconic London department store, Liberty! Beautiful wooden interiors,  in addition to excellent fashion selection and home selection, the place has  lots of character. A must do, I had the chance to photograph a famous London based blogger there. Pictures 8, 9, 4 & 1: Anglomania! In Soho, a poster of  the theater that displays a show about the Queen. Picture 9: I’ve always been impressed with all the mix of colors, patterns and materials of the English. Unique! Beautiful or not beautiful, that is not the question! Picture 1: beautiful Burberry‘s window in Regent Street. Where you must stop by the huge store of Anthropologie, if you want to shop for your home. Very nice design both contemporary seriously boho, a little regressive (LOL) and very colorful (plates, bowls, candles, furnitures …). In the store, I also like the great wall covered with plants. Picture 10: This small pedestrian street is full of shops and  leads to a nice place a little apart, with some (crowd out) terraces, St Christopher Place. Enjoy!

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2013, tous droits réservés. 

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