Tag Archives: Winery

Portugal: Alentejo Road Trip

Portugal-Alentejo-Arronches-Walking-Path-3-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K

Near Arronches

Portugal-Alentejo-Arronches-Walking-Path-1-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K

Bela Natureza

This morning, departure from Avis towards Arronches, in the district of Portalegre (Alto Alentejo, close to the Spanish border). On the program: visit the most important group of prehistoric cave paintings outdoors in Portugal, in the Junco Valley (Vale de Junco).        

Classified national monument, they were designed between 4000 and 2000 years before Christ and represent the consecration of the place: the scientific interpretations differ (photo below). Last year I returned to the superb Archaeological Museum of Côa (Centre of Portugal). I am fan: child, I wanted to be a paleontologist, archaeologist …    

Magnificent nature! We continue with a walk on the walking path PR1 ARR “Feel Alentejo Nature” – Percurso Pedestrian da Esperança (about 6km / 1:45 / low difficulty level) in the Serra of Sao Mamede Natural Park. Better than a thousand words, a few photos! And old girlfriends, cows ; )

Portugal-Alentejo-Arronches-Pinturas-Rupestres-do-Vale-de-Junco-1-Photo©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Arronches-Walking-Path-5-Photo©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Arronches-Walking-Path-4-Photo©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Arronches-Walking-Path-6-Photo©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Arronches-Walking-Path-8-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Arronches-Walking-Path-9-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K


Portuga-Alentejo-Estremoz-1-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K

The Old Town

Estremoz for lunch. I really enjoy the small intimate streets of the old town, deserted at lunchtime. Occasionally, a silhouette crosses. The contrast between blue sky and white walls, brightness, the South. As a photographer, I need a beautiful natural light!

What I also really like in Portugal, Japan and Croatia: it’s clean, streets are super clean. A real pleasure!

Portuga-Alentejo-Estremoz-7-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K

The Lunch

A place not to miss the Mercearia Gadanha restaurant, where we had a long lunch. Very good food in a cool atmosphere and decoration (photos below). And for chocolate addicts: a large selection of chocolates (including Belgian chocolates) in the deli section of the restaurant.

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Portugal-Alentejo-Monsaraz-1-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K

Open-air Museum      

Like Saint Emilion in France, Monsaraz is an open-air museum medieval city in which you aimlessly wander … Just for the pleasure. And enjoy an Alentejo wine tasting on the rooftop terrace of the Ervideira winery.    

Some boho shops, winding clean streets and an arena that in September and Easter hosts bullfighting festivals. And panoramic views of the river Rio Guadiana (last photo). Now we drive to the famous Évora.

Portugal-Alentejo-Monsaraz-5-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K  Portugal-Alentejo-Monsaraz-6-Photo©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Monsaraz-3A-Photo©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Monsaraz-7-Photo©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Monsaraz-2-Photo©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Monsaraz-4-Photo©Mademoiselle Le K

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.

Next stop: Évora


Visit Alentejo & Visit Portugal


Many thanks to Visit Alentejo and Visit Portugal for this amazing invitation. As always these are my opinions.

Médoc, France: Château d’Arsac, A Mix of Contemporary Art and Wines

After visiting the CAPC in Bordeaux, I am very surprised to discover in one of the older Médoc properties, le Pouce ( The Tthumb, 1965) of César (picture above). Welcome to Château d’Arsac, purchased in 1986 by Philippe Raoux ; this Bordeaux wine merchant is also a contemporary art collector. The story of Château d’Arsac starts in the 12th century, then the property was owned by the brother of the famous French philosopher Montaigne. Today the Arsac estate consists of 112 hectares dont 54 in the Margaux appellation and 50 in the Haut-Médoc appellation. And if you’re interested to see the twenty sculptures of Château d’Arsac, the Bordeaux Tourism Office and the Winery, organize visits to discover the artwoks and the wines. Picture 4 : the blue pigment of the painter Klein on the warehouse’s walls.

Infos: www.chateau-arsac.com, www.bordeaux-tourisme.com & www.bordeaux.com  

Related posts :


Bordeaux, France: The CAPC, Contemporary Art Museum of Bordeaux  



Médoc, France: Château d’Arsac, des vins et de l’art contemporain

Après la visite du CAPC de Bordeaux, je découvre surprise, le Pouce de César (1965) trônant parmi les pieds de vignes, d’un des plus anciens domaines du Médoc (photo ci-dessus). Bienvenue au Château d’Arsac, racheté en 1986 par Philippe Raoux. Ce négociant bordelais et amateur d’art, a parsemé son domaine d’oeuvres. L’histoire du château remonte au XIIième siècele et fut la propriété de Thomas de Montaigne, le frère de l’illustre philosophe. Côté vignes : 112 hectares dont 54 ha en appellation Margaux et 50 ha en appellation Haut-Médoc. Côté art contemporain : l’Office du tourisme de Bordeaux et la Winery, organisent des circuits permettant de découvrir à la fois la vingtaine d’oeuvres et les différents vins du Château d’Arsac. Photo 4 : pigment du bleu Klein sur les murs de l’entrepôt.

Infos pratiques : www.chateau-arsac.com, www.bordeaux-tourisme.com & www.bordeaux.com     

Autres articles :

Bordeaux et la route des vins de Bordeaux 

Bordeaux, France: le CAPC, le musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux