Tag Archives: Grape Varieties

Médoc, France: Château Paloumey, The Blend Workshop

I’m in Château Paloumey to attend to the “Atelier Assemblage”, sounds a bit mysterious, doesn’t it? Well it’s a workshop about the art of blending of grape varieties… We are six “sorcerer’s apprentices” (lol) around a long table full of dark bottles and few spitboxes, many glasses and some gratued test tubes and virgin sheets of paper. This peaks my curiosity. I do enjoy the idea “to custom my wine” (humm… well, I exagerate a little bit!). The workshop starts with discovering (again) of the Bordeaux different grapes : the Merlot and Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon grapes. And also Petit Verdot.  The grape is “a kind of vine characterized by the shape of it leaves and clusters” (Les Médocaines). Then the most exciting part of the workshop initiates us to the blend of grape varieties. What about my own blend? Well my friends… let’s say we all have secrets (lol)! You can also try other workshops here…

Informations : www.chateaupaloumey.com, about Les Médocaines worshops : www.lesmedocaines.com.       

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