Tag Archives: Discovery

Beijing, China: Midi Music Festival (Part 2)

I’m following Cheizak, the Hip Hop Stage Manager. From time to time, he’s checking if I didn’t loose him. Still on phone, he’s rushing to the stage and we’re making our way through the crowd to go to the backstage. Now here we are, with Chinese Rap stars: really funny, five minutes ago I didn’t known Cheizak! Braids, a big 100 % bling bling pendant of any African king with a huge afro, base-ball caps and gear… Old school, I’m looking for Dre (for the stoutness) and Snoop (for the hairstyle)! Yeah, or maybe they look like latinos west coast rappers too.

Finally boys and girls have all the same uniform than everywhere around the world in the international Hip Hop movement: thanks guys for the diversity! Except one thing: here, they are less show off and it’s really cool! Great vibe!  Guess what, I’ve totally forgotten the most important: music plays in the background, on the stage! While the night falls down, I’ve been introduced to many people. I remember: the really nice producer Jeffrey Kung.

The beautiful smiling singer, Tia Ray. She’s chatting with Mr. DJ with his many big silver rings, Chozie. Exodus to the Techno stage: crowd, a DJ, sunglasses, sweat and movement. I’m staying.

Any Punk Rock? Kilos of huge screens… « Arty » poses… And the last nice looking guy.

The festival maintenance, time to go to bed…

Related posts : 

Beijing, Chine: Midi Music Festival (Partie 1)   



Beijing, China: Midi Music Festival (Part 1)

Yummy, cotton candy! I don’t like it, but it’s okay! In Cotton candy family: I ask for the funny crazy seller! By the way, welcome in China, at the biggest music festival: Rap, Techno, Rock, Punk Rock… ! It happens once a year. A sort of an extreme fashion show of the trendiest Chinese youth. Huge audience in a huge Beijing park. The festival lasts few days. A mix of kinds, Chinese and foreign bands and DJs. Pleasure for eyes and sometimes for ears! A bohemian happy cool atmosphere, as I like! Everyone can tell you Beijing’s got a heart full of soul. Right.

If you want to follow me in the backsatges, click HERE.

Related posts :

Beijing, China: Midi Music Festival (Part 2)