Category Archives: Shopping in…

Shopping cadeaux dans Lisbonne

Shopping-Cadeaux-Lisbonne-Embaixada-1-Photo MlleLeK-copyright 2013

1. EMBAIXADA : la jeune création portugaise. Dans un superbe palais ancien (toutes les photos), on se perd dans un dédale de pièces, où l’on découvre divers espaces dédiés à de jeunes marques ou créateurs portugais. Pour la touche gourmet-design : j’ai craqué sur les produits traditionnels portugais (huiles d’olive, sardines, biscuits… ) dans des packaging ultra graphiques! Des carnets, des coussins, bref plein de cadeaux originaux à prix abordables. Café très sympa dans le patio (photo 3). Praça do Príncipe Real, nº 26. 

2. CORK & CO : bijoux fantaisie en argent et liège. Je ne savais pas que le liège était un des matériaux privilégié de l’artisanat Portugais. Autant qu’on se le dise tout de suite, en version light : je n’aime pas du tout le liège. Mais une amie m’a emmenée dans cette boutique au design moderne (des lampes aux sacs). Et gros coup de coeur pour plusieurs bracelets à l’aspect de cuir brun et argent! Comme quoi tout peut arriver! LOL! Rua das Salgadeiras n°6-10, Bairro Alto. 

3. ARTESARIA : souvenirs de Lisbonne. Oui, c’est vrai je ne suis absolument pas souvenir, mais je sais faire des exceptions (LOL)! A commencer par cette nouvelle boutique d’artisanat portugais, où ma folie du carnet a été comblée. Des carnets de toutes les tailles. Les plus petits sont à 2 euros avec des très chouettes couvertures représentant le fameux coeur de Viana do Castelo, les Azuleros et bien d’autres emblèmes du Portugal. La bonne idée : composer un set original de différents carnets, comme cadeau. Rua da Rosa, 14E.

Shopping-Cadeaux-Lisbonne-Embaixada-2-Photo MlleLeK-copyright 2013Shopping-Cadeaux-Lisbonne-Embaixada-3-Photo MlleLeK-copyright 2013

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2013, tous droits réservés.  

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Italy, Piemonte: Anzuno And Lunch @ Agriturismo e Osteria della Tensa

Italy-Anzuno-3-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

Do you enjoy walking on trails in the countryside?

Follow me in Anzuno (photo 1)! In this village near Domodossola, most of the traditional stone houses are deserted (last photo) and look like a Sergio Leone movie set (picture 2). Only missing Claudia Cardinale Clint Eastwood! I really like!

Among the few inhabitants, there remains the sympathetic guard of the old grape press (photo 4). Anzuno is pretty particular and we can feel good. As if time gave us a break, the right to do nothing, think nothing, just be, see, feel and perhaps absorb… like watching a movie…

Italy-Anzuno-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Italy-Tensa Restaurant-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Italy-Anzuno-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

Taking a narrow trail from Anzuno that climbs high

I led the way… no comment, please! We arrive at the Agriturismo e Osteria della Tensa (pictures below). Beautiful mountains view from the terrace of restaurant, where we stayed for ages (pictures 3 and 7).

None of us could not imagine that our lunch will be a 7-course banquet (picture 8)! Luckily yesterday, I forgot to dinner and have breakfast this morning! Everything is of course really tasty. With very good local produce, you can really rediscover flavors and tastes!

Yet I am not a gourmet nor a food lover. But I’ve always loved real fresh produce: a tasty steamed vegetable gives me a billion times more fun than all meals with sauces, as elaborate as they are! 

Here, the products come from local agriculture and the garden of the inn. The Chef, a woman, reinterprets traditional dishes in a light and inventive way, as her excellent risotto with pears. And the owners are friendly. OMG, it sounds like a  food critic? Imagine if I become winemaker too! That’s not me! LOL!

Italy-Tensa Restaurant-5-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Italy-Tensa Restaurant-3-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Italy-Tensa Restaurant-4-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés




Shopping Design & Fashion in Zagreb, Croatia

Croatia Zagreb Shopping_1_Photo Mademoiselle Le K_copyright 2013

During my single day in Zagreb, 

I chose these shops in the city center which offer either creations of Croatian designers or iconic products that have conquered the world, as the tie, Gentlemen! I started to work in menswear (lol)! In short, no need to come shopping in Zagreb, to spin at the same global brands you can find at home!!  

1. Modus

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An accessory shop for home design. Mix of international brands and Croatian designers. I liked the tote bags (first picture): very cool souvenirs to bring as gifts. The picture 2 shows the Zagreb Design Week poster … Tkalčićeva 48, zagreb. Tel : +385 14 81 3470.

2. Maks Studio 

Croatia Zagreb Shopping_3_Photo Mademoiselle Le K_copyright 2013Croatia Zagreb Shopping_6_Photo Mademoiselle Le K_copyright 2013

Must do. In a light intimate courtyard, Macks Studio, the store and showroom of the Croatian designer Saša Maksimiljanović offers loose clothing with asymmetrical lines and as accessories some tribal-inspired jewelery. Teslina 9 (u dvoristu), 10000 Zagreb. Tel : +385 48 10 606.

3. Boudoir

Croatia Zagreb Shopping_11_Photo Mademoiselle Le K_copyright 2013Croatia Zagreb Shopping_10_Photo Mademoiselle Le K_copyright 2013

Intrigued by this dress on display (photo 1), I discovered the Boudoir, the store of the binoculars fashion designers, Morana Saračević et Martina Čičko Karapetric. Dresses of princesses for more evening than day  and a selection of hats. Radićeva 25. Telefon: +385 1 48-13-464.

4. Folk Trend

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I don’t have a particular shop or market. I’ve just liked a lot the traditional embroidered blouses. I didn’t had time to find a shop with homemade blouses and gowns made ​​in Croatia. If you know some, send me an email or leave a comment.

5. Croata 

Croatia Zagreb Shopping_9_Photo Mademoiselle Le K_copyright 2013Croatia Zagreb Shopping_12_Photo Mademoiselle Le K_copyright 2013

In an old gallery in central Zagreb (picture 1), I discovered the origin of the tie at the Salon Croata. When the Croatian Light Cavalry went to Paris during the Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), soldiers “used to tie lively-coloured scarves around their necks in a certain way”. And during the reign of Louis XIV, Parisians really enjoyed this new fashion accessory “in the Croatian way”. Subsequently, as you know, the cravat has become global ; ) Ilica 5 (Oktogon). Tel : +385 (1) 4812-726.

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2013, tous droits réservés. 


www.visitcroatia.beZagreb Tourist Board,

Discover my whole trip in the CROATIA page and follow my TWITTER. ENJOY! I was hosted by the Office National Croate du Tourisme and obviously all my opinions are mine.

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