Category Archives: “On the road again”

Portugal, Cascais: The Oitavos Hotel

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

50 Shades of Blue

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-swimming-Pool-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Weekend with Friends

I like going by car to Cascais on the Marginal road (20-30 minutes from Lisbon) to see the seaside. The brightness reminds California. Weekend “staycation” with my BFF at The Oitavos located in the middle of a beautiful pine trees. We take the opportunity to go visiting friends and the “Point of View” exhibition in Sintra.

Surprise while arriving: the super modern hotel is huge! And it largely fills my insatiable need for space, outside/inside, lobby, lounge, bar, restaurant, terraces, pool (photos below), corridors and the room! Bikini break, my HQ: the infinity pool overlooking the Atlantic Ocean and pines tilted by the wind! “Comment vous dire, tout est bleu” (: “How can I describe you, everything is blue”) … even the glasses of my fly sunglasses! 

Photos above: 1. Tadam: flies sunglasses! A mini trails that lead to the pool for those who like to complicate life (LOL) because there are more direct access! 2 and 3. The intimate breakfast terrace as printing a picnic in the countryside. 4. Gosto muito minhas Havaianas offered by my BFF who just came back from Brazil.

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Spa

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Pool-and-Spa-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Open to Nature

Early in the morning, when the water in the outdoor pool is freezing, I go to the warmer seawater pool in the Spa (photo above). Then I switch between jacuzzi, sauna and Turkish bath whose windows offer amazing views of the landscape. I would have tried a treatment, but it was closed. 

Photos below: 1. The pool! 2. My favorite sandals on the blue floor of the room terrassse. 3. My “cowgirl from the beach” silhouette (whith straw hat and beach bag and Balinese sarong) to go to the spa. 4. Really cool at the end of the day: I enjoyed having a drink and big laughs with friends under this parasol of the Atlântico Pool Bar. 5. My postcard ; ))

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Fashion-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Fashion-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-7-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K
The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Pool-and-Spa-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Lounge

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Lounge-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Lounge-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Lounge-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Lounge-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Gourmet-Restaurant-Dinner-Bar-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Ipsylon Restaurant

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Gourmet-Restaurant-Dinner-Bar-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Gourmet Dinner

I like the minimalistic design and volumes. For the cuisine, it is the same. I should be able to find the flavor of each ingredient. I am not a gourmet, but I am curious. What a pleasure to discover at the Epsylon restaurant, the delicate blend of traditional Portuguese cuisine and French cuisine, elaborated by the French chef Cyril Devilliers!

Photos above: 1. Epsylon Restaurant & Bar. 2. The delicious first meal consists of a crayfish with asparagus after excellent appetizers and the traditional bread accompanied by olive oil. 3. The delicious fish with vegetables. 4. The Friday and Saturday nights, the bar turns into the Japanese Bar where you can eat estra fresh sushi and sashimi prepared in front of customers.

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Gourmet-Restaurant-Dinner-Bar-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

A Room with a View

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Room-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Bathed in Light

The first day while entering in the room, I was immediately sensitive to the view! And of course the 40 square meters space and bathroom (photos below)! Open volumes, a gradient blue and white shades, nomadic furniture (on wheels), the bay window … I breathe!

Spotless bed: I fell asleep like a baby watching a Brazilian telenovela! I never watch TV, so you can imagine a telenovela! No comment please!  

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-View-Room-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Room-Bathroom-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

That’s the kind of bathroom overlooking the terrace I would like to have at home! With Japanese WC (photo below)! Light and space (I repeat myself)! The originality: the blue!

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Room-Bathroom-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-View-Room-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-View-Room-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Corridor-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.


The Oitavos


Many thanks to The Oitavos for this beautiful invitation. As always, these are my opinions.

Portugal, Cascais: The Oitavos

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

50 nuances de bleu

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-swimming-Pool-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Week-end entre amis

J’aime rouler sur la Marginal pour aller à Cascais (20-30 minutes de Lisbonne) et ne rien perdre du bord de mer. La luminosité rappelle la Californie. Nous voilà parties avec ma BFF en week-end “staycation” à l’hôtel The Oitavos situé dans une magnifique pinède. On en profitera pour passer voir des amis et visiter l’exposition “Point of View” à Sintra.

Surprise en arrivant : l’hôtel ultra moderne est immense! De quoi largement combler mon insatiable besoin d’espace, dehors, dedans, lobby, lounge, bar, restaurant, terrasses, piscine (photos ci-dessous), couloirs et la chambre! Vite un maillot, mon QG : la piscine à débordement avec vue sur l’Océan Atlantique et pins inclinés par le vent! “Comment vous dire, tout est bleu“… jusqu’au verres de mes lunettes mouches!

Photos ci-dessus: 1. En parlant de lunettes mouches! Un des minis sentiers qui mènent à la piscine pour qui aime se compliquer la vie (LOL), car il existe des accès plus directs! 2 et 3. L’intimiste terrasse du petit déjeuner, comme l’impression d’un picnic en pleine nature. 4. Gosto muito minhas Havaianas offertes par ma BFF qui rentre du Brésil. 

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Le spa

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Pool-and-Spa-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Ouvert sur la nature

Tôt le matin, quand l’eau de la piscine extérieure est glaciale, j’opte pour la piscine d’eau de mer du Spa (photo ci-dessus). Puis j’enchaîne les allers-retours entre jacuzzi, sauna et bain turc, dont les baies vitrées offrent de superbes vues sur le domaine. J’aurai bien essayé un soin, mais c’était fermé.

Photos ci-dessous : 1. La piscine! 2. Mes sandales préférées sur le sol bleu de la terrassse de la chambre. 3. Ma silhouette “cowgirl de la plage” (chapeau de paille et panier en osier, sarong balinais), en route vers le spa. 4. Top en fin de journée : un coin de parasol à l’Atlântico Pool Bar, pour un verre et quelques fous rires entre amis. 5. Ma carte postale ; )

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Fashion-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Fashion-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Swimming-Pool-7-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Pool-and-Spa-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Le lounge

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Lounge-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Lounge-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Lounge-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Lounge-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

L’Ipsylon Restaurant & Bar

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Gourmet-Restaurant-Dinner-Bar-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Dîner gastronomique

J’aime le design épuré et volumes minimalistes. Dans l’assiette, c’est pareil. Je dois pouvoir retrouver la saveur de chaque ingrédient. Je ne suis pas un gourmet, mais je suis curieuse. Et quel plaisir de découvrir au restaurant l’Epsylon, le délicat mélange de cuisine portugaise traditionnelle et de cuisine française, du chef français Cyril Devilliers!

Photos ci-dessus : 1. L’Epsylon Restaurant & Bar. 2. Succulente entrée composée d’écrevisse et d’asperges, après d’excellents amuses-bouches et petits pains accompagnés d’huile d’olive. 3. Délicieux poisson assorti de légumes. 4. Le bar qui les vendredis et samedis soirs, se transforme en Japanese Bar où déguster des sushi et sashimi fins, préparés devant les clients. 

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Gourmet-Restaurant-Dinner-Bar-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Gourmet-Restaurant-Dinner-Bar-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Une chambre avec vue

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Room-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Baignée de lumière

Le premier jour en ouvrant la porte de la chambre: j’ai tout de suite été sensible à la vue, puis l’espace (40 mètres carrés) et la salle de bain (photos ci-dessous)! Les volumes ouverts, un dégradé de bleus et blancs, meubles nomades (sur roulettes), la grande baie vitrée… Je respire!

Literie impeccable : je me suis endormie comme un bébé devant une telenovela brésilienne (lol)! Moi qui suis insomniaque! 

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-View-Room-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Room-Bathroom-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Voilà le genre de salle de bain donnant sur la terrasse que j’aimerai avoir chez moi! Avec wc japonais séparés (photo ci-dessous)! Lumière et espace (je me répète)! L’originalité : ces différents bleus!

The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Room-Bathroom-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-View-Room-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KThe-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-View-Room-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  The-Oitavos-Hotel-Review-Corridor-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.


The Oitavos


Un grand merci à The Oitavos pour ce très agréable séjour. Comme toujours, ce sont mes opinions.

Portugal: Surf & Quad in Alentejo

Portugal-Alentejo-Comporta-Praia-do-Carvalhal-Surf-with-Carvalhal-Surf-School-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Surf Lesson in Comporta

Portugal-Alentejo-Comporta-Praia-do-Carvalhal-Surf-with-Carvalhal-Surf-School-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Praia do Carvalhal

I’ve told you about Comporta for years (lol!). This time, I discover the beautiful Carvalhal beach for a surf lesson with Ana, the smiling surfer and owner of the Carvalhal Surf School et Surfincomporta. On the black and white picture above, Ana shows us how to carry our surfboards.

I dread to enter the icy water, even with this thick wetsuit. Before: a short warm-up, we runs, jump and stretch in the sand. This morning, the beach is empty and the sun begins to hit. If it could warm the Ocean. Ana, assisted by another instructor, take each one of us apart to show us the basic moves. And we repeat several times on the board in the sand. And then … well let’s go (lololol)!

M, if you read me you must laugh (my surf coach in another life!), you know I have absolutely no balance on a surfboard! I plunge in the water: banzai! Small waves are finally enough powerful. Wash machine and I am ready to go.

For more than an hour (or two, I do not know) the game is to try to get up on the board: bad start, bad foot, in short always something (lol)! But as I like to be active in the water, it was a pleasure. My arms are dead! Ana is great, always attentive, determinated and patient. Everyone goes at their own pace. And when we come out of the water, we all look happy … and pretty tired too (yes!).

Portugal-Alentejo-Comporta-Praia-do-Carvalhal-Surf-with-Carvalhal-Surf-School-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Comporta-Praia-do-Carvalhal-Surf-with-Carvalhal-Surf-School-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Comporta-Praia-do-Carvalhal-Surf-with-Carvalhal-Surf-School-5A-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Comporta-Praia-do-Carvalhal-Surf-with-Carvalhal-Surf-School-6B-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Lunch of Regional Cuisine

After surfing, a little cold shower in the dressing rooms of the Parque Desportivo, where we laughed a lot. Then we head to the famous Restaurante A Escola (the chef and owner on the left picture below).

The food is delicious: very good wild rabbit meatloaf with orange slices. I, who never eat rabbit (the first left picture below)! Many different dishes and desserts.

Portugal-Alentejo-Comporta-Restaurante-A-Escola-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Quad Near Beja

Portugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

My First Time Riding a Quad

Same team. At the end of the day on quads in the beautiful property of the Vila Galé Clube de Campo hotel. I like motor sports: this winter, I had my first driving on ice. And teenager, I had a scooter. But I had never tried the quad.

I was a bit worried when I read the form to fill and sign in case of accident! Before following the instructor in nature, a drive lesson in the hotel car park. You have to slowly zigzag between the small signaling items. It’s fun.

The ride lasts 1-1h30 and when it was my turn, I really enjoy riding. You can’t see in the photos, some muddy parts of the trail (I managed to save my all white sneakers when rafting, but not here!). If you can, try! Especially in such a setting!

Portugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  Portugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-8-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-10-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-9-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KPortugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-11-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Portugal-Alentejo-Albernoa-Quad-Tour-at-Vila-Galé-Clube-de-Campo-12-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.


Visit AlentejoVisit Portugal & Surfincomporta


Many thanks to Visit Alentejo and Visit Portugal to this beautiful invitation. Thanks to Ana for the great surf lesson. As always, these are my opinions.