Category Archives: Decoration

The White 1921 Courchevel

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-1A-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Design And Glam

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

A Warm Welcome

The White 1921 is the new design hotel with the all white facade that makes the difference in the small village of Courchevel 1850, and sets the tone: a mix of design, glam and cool (yes). When I arrive, Agnes Bouanani, the friendly General Manager of the hotel, offers me a tea in the “small lounge” (on the photo montage below) while my room is prepared.

The 26-room hotel was completely redone by Jean-Michel Wilmotte, the famous French architect and designer. I really like the fairly intimate, simple and graphic (without excess) interior design, creating a pleasant and comfortable bubble difficult to leave so it feels good. 

Agnes is a great traveler graduated from the CFA Mederic, the hotel school in Paris (black and white portrait below). Concerned about the smallest detail, she also chose the restautant where I dine this evening, as the hotel has none. There is only a breakfast room. 

Looking out the window, I ask Agnes how Courchevel is in summertime : “I love summer in Courchevel, I make amazing rides. It’s quiet… Like being in an eagle’s nest“. I’m already late, I go take a swimsuit while Nathalie waits for me to go to the Aquamotion for lunch (lol) … Thank you Agnes! 

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KCourchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-7-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Breakfast Room

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Spa

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.


White 1921 Courchevel, Office du tourisme de Courchevel,


Many thanks to the White 1921 Courchevel, Mrs Agnès Bouanani and her great team, Tourist Office of Courchevel and 3 Vallées for this beautiful invitation. As always these opinions are my own.

Le White 1921 Courchevel

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-1A-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Design et glam

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Un accueil chalereux

J’arrive au White 1921 dont la façade extérieure toute blanche tranche dans le petit village de Courchevel 1850, et donne le ton : mélange de design, de glam et de cool (oui). Agnès Bouanani, l’avenante directrice générale de l’hôtel, me propose de prendre un thé dans le petit salon (photo montage ci-dessous), le temps que ma chambre se libère. 

L’hôtel de 26 chambres, a été entièrement refait par Jean-Michel Wilmotte, célèbre architecte et designer français. J’aime beaucoup la décoration simple et assez intimiste : le parti pris graphique (sans excès) qui créé une agréable et confortable bulle, dont on a du mal à s’extraire, tant on se sent bien… 

Le courant passe tout de suite avec Agnès : cette grande voyageuse (portrait noir et blanc ci-dessous) est diplômée du CFA Médéric, l’école hôtelière de Paris. Soucieuse du moindre détail, elle a aussi choisi le restautant où je dîne ce soir, car l’hôtel n’en a pas. Uniquement une salle pour le petit déjeuner. 

En regardant par la fenêtre, je demande à Agnès à quoi ressemble Courchevel l’été : “J’adore l’été à Courchevel, je fais des balades incroyables. C’est tranquille, il y a un côté nid d’aigle“. Et la course reprend, je suis déjà en retard, je file prendre un maillot de bain, tandis que Nathalie m’attend pour aller déjeuner à l’Aquamotion (lol)… Merci Agnès! 

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KCourchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-7-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

La salle du petit déjeuner

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-3-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Le spa

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.


White 1921 Courchevel, Office du tourisme de Courchevel,  


Un grand merci à l’hôtel White 1921 Courchevel, Madame Agnès Bouanani et sa fantastique équipe, l’Office du tourisme de Courchevel et aux 3 Vallées pour cette superbe invitation. Comme toujours ce sont mes opinions.

A Suite in The White 1921 Courchevel

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-My-Red-Pumps-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The View

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-View-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KCourchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

My balcony

Beautiful view of the center of Courchevel 1850 village! I arrived at the White 1921 Courchevel from La Tania in the morning. Time to meet the bubbly general manager of this new hotel of 26 rooms and take a swimsuit (for my day spa in Aquamotion) and I went for lunch with Nathalie at Nikki Beach (next post).

In the early evening, I returned at the hotel like a whirlwind, to get dressed for the dinner (and I was late!). Late at night, I finally discovered my suite and fell in love with the balcony, view, carpet (with my red stiletto), decor and bed … and the slightly sloping ceiling and couch and … well everything!

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-4-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K  Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-5-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Design

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-6-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

A Graphic Cocoon

I didn’t want to leave! So the second night I forget the restaurant to lazily stay in the so comfy bed. The pillows and duvet are fantastic too!

The sleek style of the architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte creates a universe where it feels both very relaxed and a little star (sorry not sorry, lol!). On the photo montage: Schuss, the chic magazine about mountain a journalist friend offered me.

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-8-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le KCourchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-7-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

The Bathroom

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-Bathroom-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

White And Rectilinear

The bathroom has no fancy. Everything is in the details: soft bathrobes and towels (photo above). The inside of the two sewing and cotton boxes have the same design as on the walls of the room and the hotel’s website (1).

The Acqua di Parma bath products: soaps make soft skin and remind me of the Sungai Gold in Bali (2). The minimalist equipment (l4). And especially the smart flush (3). 

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-Bathroom-2-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Good Night Courchevel!

Courchevel-France-White-1921-Hotel-A-Suite-View-1-Photo ©Mademoiselle Le K

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.


White 1921 Courchevel, Office du tourisme de Courchevel,  


Many thanks to the White 1921 Courchevel (and its great team), Tourist Office of Courchevel and 3 Vallées for this beautiful invitation. As always these opinions are my own.