Tag Archives: Vintage Second Hand

Old Street & Bricklane, London

Yeah yeah sexy Moss is everywhere ? You nearly do an overdose : not me. Old Street : I feel a small twinge of sadness. I lived a bit there, not so far away. When there were just empty offices and an impressive number of underground artists, not called « Hype » yet. It was dirty and barely deserted… Today the district is unrecognizable: I love fast changes.

I haven’t got enough time to go to “my” more favorite place in London, the Tate Modern (Rothko’s exhibition from September 26 to February 1/09). To compensate for I went to many galleries: this one is also an advertising company…

A stop at Hassan’s shop and studio, he is a photographer, an art director and an interior designer and lives between London and Marrakech: www.hassan-hajjaj.com

Going to Bricklane, Club Row… Of course you’ve heard of Damon Albarn, Blur and Gorillaz singer: he might have a studio in this old school called Rochelle School (on the picture below: the big building behind the wall) and some other famous artists too. I read recently the A Fondation for the visual art and culture art development was settled to provide studios and an exhibition gallery to artists.

Here I am in Bricklane, very alive in the week-end and pretty dead today. Vintage lovers, you are actually at the doorstep of paradise !


Vintage for me, I enjoy it in pictures, not to wear. I do prefer buying fresh new outfit. I’ve just received the flyer of the next Viens Dans Mon Dressing in September in Bricklane. A week-end to discover twenty two coming up fashion designers: www.myspace.com/viensdansmondressing 

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