Tag Archives: Shopping

Tokyo, Japan: Interview of Tomoko Inuzuka


Toyo-Japan-Tomoko Inuzuka-Vermeerist Beams-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

– I think Japanese girls are all the same now.

Tomoko Inuza has a unique look for sure. Made up of Minnie‘s détails (yep Mickey Mouse’s girlfriend) and the creative outfits of the Indian fashion designer Manish Arora.

Tomoko is certainly his biggest fan. Humoursly, she said: “I want marry him“, a quick look at her Mickey watch. Tomoko and her husband Katsuhiro are the managers of Vermeerist Beams shop in Harajuku.

A kind of boudoir presenting a colorful outfits and accessoiries selection of Japanese and overseas fashion designers, like the great Manish Arora of course. Funny, Tomoko and I were at one of the shows of Manish at Cique d‘Hiver, without knowing each other! Small fashion world!

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– I was at Manish first show in the London Fashion Week, four years ago. Very Bright colors: I’ve bought few pieces very difficult to sell in Tokyo. 

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Tomoko regrets:

– Here young people have no energy and originality to get dressed. Three reasons: the parents buy their clothes. Magazines are bad: same styling, not interesting. Except the Nihon Vogue. And they spend all their money in mobile phones.

The grim reality? We laugh.

Toyo-Japan-Tomoko Inuzuka-Vermeerist Beams-4-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

– The hype Aoyama is the trendiest area in town to me,

says Tomoko. Where bash shops have incredible architectures. Her choice: Comme des Garçons, Corso Como and Loveless. And serious, Tomoko concludes with:

– Fashion is my life.

Toyo-Japan-Tomoko Inuzuka-Vermeerist Beams-5-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés. 

Domo arigato Tomoko.  

Related posts :

Tokyo, Japan: A walk and coffee in Omotesando and Aoyama  



Tokyo, Japon: rencontre avec Tomoko Inuzuka


Toyo-Japan-Tomoko Inuzuka-Vermeerist Beams-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

– Je pense qu’aujourd’hui les filles japonaises sont toutes pareilles. 

Tomoko Inuzuka a un look unique, inspiré par Minnie (oui la meuf de Mickey aux longs cils). Et surtout par les créations du talentueux styliste indien Manish Arora, dont elle est certainement la plus grande fan.

Avec une pointe d’humour, elle confie vouloir l’épouser, un bref regard sur sa montre Mickey. Tomoko et son époux Katsuhiro sont les responsables du Vermeerist Beams à Harajuku.

Petit Boudoir à la sélection très colorée et pleine de fantaisie de créateurs internationaux, dont le fameux Manish Arora bien sûre. Amusée, nous aurions pu nous croiser à ses shows parisiens.

Toyo-Japan-Tomoko Inuzuka-Vermeerist Beams-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

– J’étais au premier défilé de Manish à la London Fashion Week. Beaucoup de couleurs vives: très difficile à vendre à Tokyo.

Toyo-Japan-Tomoko Inuzuka-Vermeerist Beams-3-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Tomoko regrette :

– Les jeunes manquent d’énergie et d’originalité dans leur façon de s’habiller ici. Trois raisons: les parents qui achètent souvent leurs vêtements. Les magazines qui sont mauvais. Ils proposent tous le même stylisme inintéressant. A l’exception du Nihon Vogue. Et enfin le portable, où passe tout leur argent.

Sans concession! Nous rions.

Toyo-Japan-Tomoko Inuzuka-Vermeerist Beams-4-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Le très hype Aoyama 

est actuellement le quartier le plus tendance de la capitale d’après Tomoko. Où les boutiques rivalisent d’architectures improbables et fantasques réussies. Ses préférées : Comme des Garçons, Corso Como et Loveless. Et de conclure sérieuse :

– La mode, c’est ma vie. 

Toyo-Japan-Tomoko Inuzuka-Vermeerist Beams-5-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés. 

Domo arigato Tomoko.  

Autres articles :  

Tokyo, Japan: A walk and coffee in Omotesando and Aoyama  

Tokyo, Japon: Shopping et architecture à Roppongi   


Tokyo, Japan: A walk and Shopping in Harajuku


Tokyo-Harajuku-Shopping-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014


the pedestrianized famous street of Harajuku, I‘m not a big fan for shopping. Cheap bazaar for teenagers and teens alduts. Each tribe has its own shop.

There are also H&M and cie… near the super famous La Forêt building: metro station, Meiji-Jingumae or Harajuku. Let’s go “crazy” and jump in this streets maze, to discover some interesting shops.  

Tokyo-Harajuku-Shopping-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

I liked Jack‘s Vintage Clothing

for some 50-60’s Rock‘n Roll vintage outfits, accessories and shoes for women and men. Really cool owner , also the leader of a Punk Rock band.

Have you ever tried a Japanese Punk Rock Karaoke? I DID! Kind of a blaze for my ears! But it was really fun too, Lol! For the complete adress of the shop: [email protected]

Stop at the next door in the very inspiring Nihon Manga Fetichist Shop: so what do you do after school or job? (pictures below).

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Myself and I become a Manga babe.

A trashy suga babe inspired by Japanse cartoons, with fluorescent pink and green lens. It started here in Tokyo years ago, as a Pokemon acid princess. “Oups!” : metallic eyelash fluttering, I stood on my 50 cm lemon platform shoes.

When I got in the shop, they  were shooting a flyer. Domo arigato gosaimasu to Aya, Coco and all the team. And if you are really sweet, maybe I will post a picture of me dressed up like a Manga doll, surrounded by all my supa supa cool Pokemon friends : )

Tokyo-Japan-Harajuku-Shopping-Beams-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Then let’s cross Meji Street

to reach the underground fashion designers side and head at my Beams favourite concept store (which is more a gallery and bookshop): TOKYO CULTuART by BEAMS

Thank you Katsuhiro for the Beams shops guided tour! The toys for willing grown-up are extremely tempting!

I’m still a huge fan of the Transformer “Cyubu 01″ of Moderhythm (picture below) and colourful plastic mini bike monsters (pictures above), so great!

Tokyo-Japan-Harajuku-Shopping-Beams-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés.


This post is not a shopping list, it is more to give you the different vibes of Harajuku. Metro sations: Meiji-Jingumae or Harajuku. 

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