Tag Archives: Informations

GoPro Nature Award 2014: envoyez votre vidéo!

MlleLeK Knokke2

GoPro Nature Award 2014: envoyez votre vidéo! 

Comme vous l’avez peut-être lu dans un de mes précédents posts, j’ai découvert lors de mes plongées en Turquie, la petite caméra GoPro

Et j’ai une excellente nouvelle pour vous, participez au GoPro Nature Award 2014 :

Filmez avec votre GoPro la nature belge & luxembourgeoise et gagnez peut-être 10 000€!

Vous avez  jusqu’au 30 septembre 2014, pour envoyer votre vidéo de deux minutes maxi! Celle-ci qui doit encourager le public à respecter davantage la nature. 

Un jury professionnel, sous la houlette de l’acteur Koen De Bouw et du réalisateur Philippe Soreil, sélectionnera la vidéo gagnante qui sera présentée au Festival Nature Namur!

A vos GoPro : vous trouverez toutes les informations sur le site www.gopronatureaward.be, bonne chance à tous!

GoPro Nature Award 2014-Belgium & Luxembourg

Photo 1 : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés. Photo 2 : GoPro.  

Autres articles :  

Plongée au Hillside Beach Club, à Fethiye, Turquie   



Tokyo, Japan: A walk and Shopping in Harajuku


Tokyo-Harajuku-Shopping-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014


the pedestrianized famous street of Harajuku, I‘m not a big fan for shopping. Cheap bazaar for teenagers and teens alduts. Each tribe has its own shop.

There are also H&M and cie… near the super famous La Forêt building: metro station, Meiji-Jingumae or Harajuku. Let’s go “crazy” and jump in this streets maze, to discover some interesting shops.  

Tokyo-Harajuku-Shopping-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

I liked Jack‘s Vintage Clothing

for some 50-60’s Rock‘n Roll vintage outfits, accessories and shoes for women and men. Really cool owner , also the leader of a Punk Rock band.

Have you ever tried a Japanese Punk Rock Karaoke? I DID! Kind of a blaze for my ears! But it was really fun too, Lol! For the complete adress of the shop: [email protected]

Stop at the next door in the very inspiring Nihon Manga Fetichist Shop: so what do you do after school or job? (pictures below).

Tokyo-Japan-Harajauku-Manga Girls-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Myself and I become a Manga babe.

A trashy suga babe inspired by Japanse cartoons, with fluorescent pink and green lens. It started here in Tokyo years ago, as a Pokemon acid princess. “Oups!” : metallic eyelash fluttering, I stood on my 50 cm lemon platform shoes.

When I got in the shop, they  were shooting a flyer. Domo arigato gosaimasu to Aya, Coco and all the team. And if you are really sweet, maybe I will post a picture of me dressed up like a Manga doll, surrounded by all my supa supa cool Pokemon friends : )

Tokyo-Japan-Harajuku-Shopping-Beams-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Then let’s cross Meji Street

to reach the underground fashion designers side and head at my Beams favourite concept store (which is more a gallery and bookshop): TOKYO CULTuART by BEAMS

Thank you Katsuhiro for the Beams shops guided tour! The toys for willing grown-up are extremely tempting!

I’m still a huge fan of the Transformer “Cyubu 01″ of Moderhythm (picture below) and colourful plastic mini bike monsters (pictures above), so great!

Tokyo-Japan-Harajuku-Shopping-Beams-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés.


This post is not a shopping list, it is more to give you the different vibes of Harajuku. Metro sations: Meiji-Jingumae or Harajuku. 

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Japan: Learning Japanese in Tokyo Subway


Japan-Tokyo-Metro-1-Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Following many of your emails, here’s an updating of my Tokyo posts : check out this useful city guide to help you prepare your trip (in a very Mademoiselle Le K’s way, lol)! Let’s start with the famous chiketatsu (subway): here are some pictures to give you the mood (lol) …

The Chiketatsu is THE safest and cheapest way to move in Tokyo.

Don’t panic, indications and station names are translated in English! It is a world with huge stations where several companies officiate on different metro routes (wide range of prices, lol).

And for the more active, you can even learn Japanese … on the wharf, decrypting the ideograms (and their phonetic) sticked on graphic cars (photo below).

Japan-Tokyo-Metro-4-Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

I revised verbs before the train leaves.

Time is precious. Once in the train, I will be sleeply between stations like every Tokyo people. Sat, stand-up, young and old, women, children, salary men or hypesters: everybody falls sleeping!

Lulled by the sweet female voice that dis-tinc-ly announces the next station, I could improve my pronunciation, “Shin-ju-ku, Shin-ju-ku“, “Taka-dano-baba” (I love it!). Not to mention in the endless corridors,  I practised the classics: “leftO“, “rightO!”! Tokyo forever …

Japan-Tokyo-Metro-3-Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2014

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2014, tous droits réservés 


More about Tokyo subway & trains : http://www.japan-guide.com/e/e2017.html