Tag Archives: Saint Martins School

Meeting Gilbert & George in BOZAR Brussels

Bubbling Meeting With Gilbert & George

The two blockbusters of contemporary art exhit in BOZAR museum, “Jack Freak Pictures”. BOZAR is defenetely a hotspot for astute exhibitions. I’m late as usual. In the big hall, journalists watch the pictures. Paul Dujardin, the museum director, anwsers a TV. And Gilbert & George? Sat on a bench in the middle of the big hall. The impassive duet chats with journalists. I quickly review the pictures and head for the phlegmatic gentlemen and invite them to strike the pose in front one of their work of art. Then…

– Today contemporary art? Everybody loves contemporary art …   

G & G: Yes, even in hairdressing salon, you find « contemporary art »! We’re not following the contemporary art. We are not a part of any movement. We are an artist. Two people, one artist.   

– How does it work? I mean the creative process?        

G & G: It’s a magical system (smiles). Schizophrenic. To be an artist, you need to believe you are an artist. You need confidence.

– Provocation?

G & G: Yes, without provocation, art is totally boring. Mais il faut aussi que l’œuvre soit accessible.  

– What does it mean for you being a successfull artist? Congratulation for lasting all those years, usually after being famous people split?     

G & G (surprised): No no we are an artist. We don’t need things. We take our breakfast in the cheapest place in the world (smiles) and spend most of the time in the atelier.    

– Do you consider yourselves as a Brit artist?      

G & G: No! George is British. Gilbert is from the Dolomiti. Do you know Spiterfield? We live there, people came from all over the world. Many different nationalities.

– Inspiration?

G & G: Close your eyes, look Inside.

Thank you Gilbert & George! And the approachable aristocratic duet has already gone answering new journalists in other halls. The first hall is empty now and I can dicover the exhibition alone. GO TO BOZAR AND ENJOY! For all informations about the exhibition, click here.

Related posts :  INTERVIEWS & CULTURE

Rencontre avec Gilbert & George à BOZAR, Bruxelles

11h35, l’effervescence: Gilbert & George,

deux blockbusters de l’art contemporain exposent “Jack Freak Pictures”  à BOZAR. Musée pointu aux programmations éclectiques et fouillées. Rituel involontaire, j’arrive en retard. Dans le vaste hall, des journalistes glissent d’un tableaux à l‘autre. Le directeur général de Bozar, Paul Dujardin, répond à une télé. Et Gilbert & George? Au centre de la pièce innondée de lumière, assis sur un banc, l’impavide tandem s’offre au jeu des questions réponses. Coup d’œil aux œuvres, j’avance vers les flegmatiques gentlemen. J’écoute. Très vite les invitent à prendre la pause devant une œuvre, de fil en aiguille: magnéto George! & Gilbert!

– L’art contemporain? Aujourd’hui: tout le monde aime l’art contemporain!

G & G: Oui on en trouve même dans les salons de coiffure! Nous ne suivons pas l’art contemporain. Nous n’appartenons à aucun mouvement. Nous sommes un artiste. Deux personnes, un artiste.

– Ca fonctionne comment côté procédé créatif?

G & G: C’est un système magique (sourires). Schizophrène. Pour être artiste, il faut d’abord croire que l’on est artiste. Il faut en être convaincu.

– De la provocation?

G & G: Oui sans provocation, l’art est totaalement ennuyeux. Il faut aussi que l’œuvre reste accessible.

 – Ca signifie quoi être un artiste connu? Félicitations pour votre longévité, souvent les artistes se séparent après avoir eu du succès…

G & G (interdits): Non, non. Nous sommes un artiste. On n’a pas besoin de grand chose. On prend notre petit déjeuner dans l’endroit le moins cher de la planète (sourires) et on passse le reste du temps à l’atelier.

– Vous considérez-vous comme un artiste britannique ?

G & G: Non! George est britannique. Gilbert est originaire des Dolomiti. Vous connaissez Spitafield? On vit là, parmi des gens qui viennent de partout dans le monde, une multitudes de nationalités différentes.

– L’Inspiration?

G & G: Close your eyes, look inside.

Déjà les aristocratiques et accessibles Gilbert & George sont happés par d’autres journalistes, vers d‘autres espaces. L’immense première salle s’est vidée en un battement de cil. J’en profite pour visiter l’expo seule: ALLEZ-Y! Pour les infos pratiques sur l’expo “Jack Freak Pictures” à BOZAR, du 29/10/10 au 23/01/11, cliquez ici.

Merci à Gilbert & George!
Autres articles : INTERVIEWS & CULTURE 

Eley Kishimoto: the Soho interview, London

In Eley Kishimoto, I love me myself and I! Lucky girl, after many months, they travel a lot, I travel a lot… I have an appointment with 50% of the couple: Mark Eley. Wakako Kishimoto is the creative and Mark is in charge of the business. And they work on the story of the collection together.


I come at Maison Bertaux a bit excited, I really like their work. I sat at the table outside, quite surprised to be on time. Mark’s got a strong Welsh accent: I didn’t understand on phone we meet downstairs the tearoom, at  the Poppy Brooks shop, “Madame”, an old friend of the Eley Kishimoto. What a great idea to bring together a trendy shop (with brands as Eley Kishimoto, APC, Sonia by Sonia Rykiel et Obey and Vivienne Westwood…), with a “one century and half ” old tearoom, making French pastries (or supposed to be). Modernity and tradition. English patchwork!

– I don’t know what I’m doing (laughter). I’m a designer, not an accessories designer. I’d like to call myself control freak.

Marks says laughing and he doesn’t want to be taken in picture, I respect: his portrait below, don’t expect more than this mysterious picture.

– Wakako and I, we met drunk in a New York exhibition in 89. We got back in London and started to work together in 92 and got married. Then we created our label in 96 and signed our first co-branding with Eless.


Then they will collaborate with Alexander McQueen, Vuitton, Marc Jacobs. A colorful innovative style, with their own “done by hands” print technique for the patterns. Mark and Wakako are teachers at the prestigious Saint Martins School too.

– We have our studio in Brixton and twelve people team and we do everything by hand. Brixton still has a spirit… because it was cheap too and for the creative spirit. And there’s a colorful market.


What about the Eley Kishimoto customer ?

– She likes prints, she is independent and fashionista. Wakako makes clothes for her and she wears them. I enjoy Paris women get dressed.

Since last Women’s collection, Mark and Wakako have been the new artistic directors of Cacharel:

– We are very very lucky. Cacharel is feminine and pretty. Eley Kishimoto is more aggressive with an artistic statement, like a smack in face. We are working with l’Oréal for Cacharel perfume. We are very open with our label too: working on new projects for home, toys and the decoration of a hotel in London (they also decorated “Madame” shop)…

Mark’s to go to another appointment: big thanks Mark and see you soon dear Eley Kishimoto! Next RV in September-October for the Women’s collection Spring-Summer 09.


I don’t have too much time before going to another part of London, but enough to discover a bit more « Madame », or Poppy Brooks, the bubbly owner of the shop. And also the singer of her dark sad pop music” band (I quote her), All about Eve Babitz and also a celeb blogger. I really like this no hang-ups multiplicity of talents, concentrated in one person. So Anglo-Saxon! Absolutely different than our French cultural consensus, where you just “can” be one single thing all your life and more, to gain a “national” credibility. Wow! No comment! And I forgot, she is also a DJ, course! A really stylish character. Congratulations Madame!

Madame shop at Maison Bertaux : 27 Greek Street. Basement. Soho. London W1D 5DF

Going out into the street, I was in Louisiana… London roks baby !