Tag Archives: Khaki Vintage

A Nail Polish Selection

Spring spring spring, colors!

And this summertime, I want flashy colors on my nails! Picture above : 1. L’Oréal : Lush Tangerine Rich Le Vernis. A greedy name for a bright color. The texture is really liquid, but dense and uniforme applied on nails.

2. Herôme : Rio de Janeiro, a color pretty fluorescent  between coral and orange, great for feet. It’s better to apply many coats, cause this nail polish is vrey very liquid. 

Picture below : 1. Mavala : Khaki Vintage, my darling! Its metal sheen is hyponitic. 3. L’Oréal : Blue Reef Rich Le Vernis. A color for dreaming (sea, sea, sea…), chic, original and show off! To macht with Navigate Her of Essie.

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Une mini sélection de vernis

C’est le printemps, vive la couleur!

Et l’été sur la plage, je veux des couleurs qui pètent! Photo ci-dessus : 1. L’Oréal : Lush Tangerine Rich Le Vernis, en version mini. Le nom est gourmand, la couleur lumineuse et la texture bien que très liquide offre un rendu dense et uniforme sur l’ongle. 

2. HerômeRio de Janeiro, un vernis assez fluo, oscillant entre le corail et l’orange, parfait pour les pieds. Appliquer plusieurs couches, car il est très très liquide.

Photo ci-dessous : 1. Mavala : Khaki Vintage, mon préféré! Il a un reflet metallique qui le rend hypnotique. 3. L’Oréal : Blue Reef Rich Le Vernis. Une couleur qui incite au rêve (la mer la mer, la mer…), chic, original et absolument pas passe partout! A combiner avec le Navigate Her d’Essie.

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Mavala: A Fantastic Homemade Manucure

It’s been a while I wanted to post about manicure! 

First I’ve been a fan of the Mavala mini nail polish for ages. I have so many like a colorful collection (lol!), they are so useful when travelling . This time I forgot colouring and tried a homemade manucure (manucure maison) with the Mavala products. I’ve followed step by step the ritual, using a minimum of products and accessories! Okay it won’t ever be as great as in a nail bar (although… ), but the result is ab fab! So here for the dummies (like me) : a simplified version of the Malava manucure.

1. The hands are clean and nails without any nail polish (Nail Polish Remover Pads) to shape them with an emery board and “lightly stroke form the edges of the nail toward the centre, holding the board under the edge of the nail and at a slight angle“.

2. I apply Cuticule Remover around the nail contour. I wait a bit and “roll back”  (yes!) cuticules with a stick wrapped in cotton wool. Don’t cut the cuticules! Then I wash my hands and brush my nails.

3. Must do : I apply the Protective Base coat Mavala 002: to “protect the nails from absorbing pigment contained in nail polish and lengthen the life of your manicure“.

4. The great pleasure : the choice of the nail polish! For one month, I’ve been addicted to Khaki Vintage (166). It’s really my trend colour: so chic! And they are all those mini red nail polish… The tip, I apply two thin coat, starting in the center of nail.

5. I brush a coat of Colorfix to protect the nail polish and “to give an incomparable brilliance“! And last but not least, when everything is absolutely dry, I moisterise my super dry hands with Mavala-Plus cream. And I’m ready to write some amazing beauty posts on my computer keyboard!



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Herôme: Beautiful Nails