Tag Archives: France

Paris, France: “Alice au Pays des Merveilles”, exhibition in Printemps Department Store

If you’re in Paris baby, stop by the Printemps Haussmann (the famous high range department store) and have a look at the fashion designers exhibition, from February 1rst till March 13, 2010, inspired by the next movie of Tim Burton, “Alice in Wonderland”. On the picture, Alice’s dress created by Maison Martin Margiela : “a long dress ball […] reversed to become a blue short dress”. 

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Photo Maison Martin Margiela / Lay out : Mademoiselle Le K

Paris: Exposition “Alice au Pays des Merveilles” au Printemps Haussmann

Arrêtez-vous au Printemps Haussmann, pour découvrir l’exposition de créateurs de mode, qui débute demain (1er février), jusqu’au 13 mars 2010, consacrant la sortie du nouveau film de Tim Burton, “Alice au Pays des Merveilles” (le 7 avril prochain). Ci-dessus, la tenue d’Alice, imaginée et réalisées à la main par la Maison Martin Margiela : “une grande robe de bal […] renversée pour devenir une robe courte bleue”. 

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Maison Martin Margiela: Printemps-Eté 2010  

Printemps Haussmann: vitrines de Noël 

City guides Paris & Anvers: DESTINATIONS


Photo Maison Martin Margiela / Maquette : Mademoiselle Le K

The White Hotel: Designers Xmas Shopping

Sunday 13 : 2.30 pm, after the brunch, I arrive at the White Hotel, for the Brussels Designr. RDV. Another Chrismas market. I decide to visit level by level, every room with a designer. Same principe as some Paris and cie professional events, fares or private sales. Except for a teddy bear’s brand and India-a-porter.com and Filles à Papa, I didn’t know any other brand. Lot’s of back and forth in the corridors. At 5 pm the event stops, shopkeepers are tired. Still many people everywhere and I haven’t finished yet the two last levels. Too bad. Here my shopping : visit their websites and you like something, contact them by e-mail. Some are not sold in shops in Brussels, Antwerp or Paris.

Superb porcelain flush-fitting ceiling light of the Dutch young designer Inge Simonis, every lamp is unique : www.ingesimonis.nl

Those great birds light of the Paris label D4 remind me the back of a famous Yves Saint Laurent’s Jacket : www.design4.fr

Hot soup without burning hands at last! Les M, Céline Merhand and Anaïs Morel, two designers from Rennes (France) have developed a cocooning concept for using usual daily objects : cup cover, baby’s bottle cover. Brilliant. www.lesmdesign.com

I really do like the various and high-constrated materials (picture above : fantastic concrete mugs and picture below, a knitting fruits basket) of the Amsterdam designer, Doreen Westphal. [email protected]

Because there is not just the gifted Manish Arora, let’s be on the road again for a hippie chic style, with posh fabrics, lovely embroderies and refine cuts of new Indian designers, selected by Cookie : www.india-a-porter.com (underconstruction). Info : +32 (0)474 263 820.

“Maybe you can drive my car… Yes I’m gonna be a star!”: Yes I want this jacket, designed by Filles à Papa, two sisters from Liège (Belgium), really inspired by Terry Richardson and Jurgen Teller. www.fillesapapa.com

Stonished lamps of David Graas, a young designer from Amsterdam: www.davidgraas.com

After India, Japan with Violaine Bétayéné, the fashion designer of Elsewear who has lived six years in Tokyo and loves using Japanese fabrics (cut in ancient kimonos) for her accessoiries collcetion : bangles, clutches and bags, like this really nice bag. www.fromwear.com 

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