Tag Archives: Fashion Designer

The Presentation of the Jean Paul Gaultier by Mikli’s Sunglasses Collection

September 22, 74 rue des Saint-Pères, in Alain Mikli’s flagship : the presentation of Jean Paul Gaultier by Mikli‘s sunglasses collection. The excellent soundtrack reminds me the coming-up Paris fashion week. The show room is crowed, in  a room a femal photographer with light and Gaultier’s sailors shoots guests dressed with sunglasses of the collection. Brillant idea, people enjoy… except me (have a look at the last picture of this post – a friend took it! – understand now?). Few pictures of Alain Mikli and Jean Paul Gaultier striking the pose together. Gaultier has to leave quickly, I start an unexpected interview of Mikli : ACTION!

– Why this collection with Jean Paul Gaultier? We’ve wanted to work together for a long time. After twenty years without meeting each other, we met at a dinner. And less tan two months later, we’ve already realized this collection. It’sa collection really really strong and wise. Sunglasses with three branches to remind comb and sailor… I really wanted to play with the rectilinear code that shapes the face and to create in a spontaneous way, without thinking to much.

– When did you decide to be a glasses designer exclusively? Cause
you could also make bags and shoes or any accessories?
Creation is  an untameable salvage beast. A creation that’s not natural doesn’t have any interest. I’ve started in 1978, I’ve used to work a lot with fashion designers for the shows. Some seasons, I was working on 17 shows! I had an overdose of the fashion world. I was an optician and I didn’t like what I sold (smile). Jean Paul and I, we are coming from the streets : creation is not something to learn! It is a shot in the arm,  nothing to do with a humdrum work. We ask how to impress, amaze and please someone. It’s a spontaneous act you don’t learn. And I don’t control the final step: the face that dresses my glasses. Skills is the control of our art, but it could restrict our expression. We have to be innocent.

– I remember your shop in Central, Hong Kong  and I was wondering if you design special edition for this market? Different collections for different continents. It’s totally wacky, I don’t see why we should impose the same product to everyone around the world. I’ve just realiezd 20 models only for Japan. 

How do you sconcieve the future of your brand? We reposition the brand, we are back to the shows (including the one of Jean Paul Gaultier next week) and in magazines. We finished fashion pages on the housewives theme for a new magazine, Standard (the first issue next October). We were out of our mind and had a lots of fun!

Anything to add? Life is beautiful and I love my spouse. (Alain Mikli concludes before taking her in his arms. Picture below).

For ending in a glam way, the loviest wink of the event is Imany, the soul singer. And the blurest portrait ever shoot (big up to N)! Yes its is ME, with the vintage Mikli’s sunglasses designed for Lenny Kravitz!!! Let’s love rules!

Many thanks to Alain Mikli and spouse, Jean Paul Gaultier, Helen Harris and Béa, my models.

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Paris: Sales @ Ma Petite Personne, Fashion for Children

Ma Petite Personne is a designer brand for children with the wise motto: kids have to look like kids, not like grown-ups! Your “little you” will love those comfotable colourful outfits! So check today or tomorrow the sales @ 95 boulevard Beaumarchais.

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Online store of Ma Petite Personne, fashion for children   



MOU: Fall-Winter 2011-2012

Bye bye our kiwi Huggs, maybe in few seasons we’ll wear you again. Cause this winter will definetely be Mou for a glam Inuit mood. Born in New Zealand, Shelley Tichborne is the founder and designer of Mou, label based in London. Inspired by the tradition of Inuit women and their skills in the production of the shoes their men wear,  check here my selection of the Mou’s Winter Collection 2011-2012, just for us ladies! And what about an edgy brand, inspired by traditional skills of men producing the shoes of their beloved wives??? Sounds terrific too! 

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