Getting in the postcard for real!
Melting with the cliché… I do love Cristo Redentor (Christ The Redeemer) at the top of Corcovado’s hill blessing Rio!
I love you, Rio!
Santa Teresa
Slash Strolling…
Related posts : DESTINATIONS
Melting with the cliché… I do love Cristo Redentor (Christ The Redeemer) at the top of Corcovado’s hill blessing Rio!
I love you, Rio!
Slash Strolling…
Related posts : DESTINATIONS
Posted in "On the road again"
Tagged Brazil, Christ The Redeemer, Corcovado, Discovery, Exclusive Pictures, Holiday, Rio de Janeiro, Santa Teresa, South America, Travel
Watashi wa (me), a Parisian traveler young lady going for a walk in Hong Kong, found an exhibition of amazingly beautiful Kimono and Obi (belts). And I wanted to cheer with you my passion of Japanese fabrics and patterns combinations, adding few Tokyo snapshots (in black and white).
Watashi wa (moi), la petite parisienne vagabonde qui en promenade dans Hong Kong tombe par hasard sur une exposition de magnifiques Kimono et Obi (ceintures). Et j’ai eu envie de vous faire partager ma passion des tissus et associations de motifs japonais, en y insérant quelques snapshots tokyoïdes (en noir et blanc).
Related posts : DESTINATIONS
Posted in Fashion/Mode, Shopping in...
Tagged China, Chine, Culture, Découverte, Discovery, Exclusive Pictures, Exhibition, Exposition, Fabrics, Hong Kong, Japan, Japon, Kimono, Motifs, Obi, Patterns, Photos Exclusives, Rue, Silk, Soie, Street, Style, Tissus, Tokyo, Travel, Voyage
Hi beautiful, how the hell don’t you know Robert Normand? Never heard about him? Not yet I guess. Discover now !
Now you know sweet heart… you’re not the only one, his show was full. And you can say you knew him before the opening of his Paris shop this spring. You’re so hot! To be continued…
Related posts : Fashion & Look Books
Posted in "Paris is burning", Fashion/Mode
Tagged 2008, Carroussel du Louvre, Collections, Discovery, Fall-Winter, Fashion, France, Paris, Pictures, Robert Normand, Shop, Shows