Tag Archives: Dimpled Skin

Elancyl: Slimming & Firming Cares

Let’s start the Tone & Slim File

(tests of slimming creams), cause we are all obsessed with the Californian “bikini body” (as says a L.A. coach friend, lol!), with the Cellulite Offensive / Triple Impact Embedded Cellulite (1) and the Concentré Ventre-Taille / Slimming & Firming Care for the Stomach and Waist (2) of the French skincare brand Elancyl. A friend who took 20 kg during a pregnancy and have lost them many months after her childbirth, explains me her first problems were the skin slackening and cellulite. To recover her great body shape, she’s used those two products twice a day for one year and more (wow!). I was so impressed by her result and curious, I’ve tested them for one month!                  

The goal : to refine and tone the body shape. For one month, I’ve healthy eaten (not a diet – this word is an insult in my vocabulary!). I’ve never believed I can loose centimeters only with creams, without having a diet (ouch bad word!) and doing sports. But I really believe a good skincare can improve the appearance of the skin! And if you are regular, those two creams are amazing!              

The non-sticky texture is fresh and nice and quickly penetrates the skin. First I was a bit surprised by the green color of the creams! Daily applied (by massage), we can quickly notice results. For me it started with a a slight improvement in the general appearance of the skin, softer then smoother and toner. Definitely I found my stomach and waist more shaped (the resculpting action). To conclude, those two slimming creams work!



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