Category Archives: Beauty-Full/Beauté

La Roche-Posay: Physiological Cleansers & Makeup Removers

After a long period of skincare products tests,

my skin had an overdove and asked for a SOOTHING BREAK, with hypoallergenic dermatogical products (the kind of absolutely-not-glam care the dermatologist prescribed when we were teens!). I’ve started my extreme gentleness treatment, with those four La Roche-Posay products (picture above). They quickly began my essentials for a good cleasing.

I leaft my  (stripping) trendy Cleansing Water for a more classical duo:  Physiological Cleasing Milk / Lait Démaquillant Physiologique (2) and  Physiological Soothing Toner / Lotion Apaisante Physiologique (3) : what a comfort for the sensitive and very dehydrated skins! At night I use the Physiological Eye Make-up Remover / Démaquillant Yeux Physiologique (1).

And night and day, before applying my care, I spray the Thermal Spring Water by La Roche-Posay  (with Selenium, an anti-oxydant) all over the face and throat. For few weeks, my skin’s been less reactive (less redness). Great products : simple, efficient and paraben free! 

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La Roche-Posay: Le démaquillage en douceur

Après une période de tests tous azimuts

de produits de soin, la peau sensible de mon visage a fait une overdose et réclamait un VRAI BREAK APAISANT avec des produits dermatologiques anti-allergéniques (du style de ceux préscrits par le dermato quand on était ado!). Donc j’ai repris par la base : un bon nettoyage et démaquillage. J’ai attaqué par une cure douceur extrême, avec ces quatre produits (photo ci-dessus) qui sont vite devenus mes essentiels chez la Roche-Posay.

J’ai troqué mon inséparable, très tendance (et décapante) eau micellaire, pour un duo plus classique : Lait Démaquillant Physiologique (2) et Lotion Apaisante Physiologique (3) : une merveille de confort pour les peaux sensibles et ultra déshydratées. J’ajoute le soir, l’étape Démaquillant Yeux Physiologique (1). Matin et soir, avant d’appliquer mon soin, je peaufine le démaquillage par une brumisation de la Roche-Posay Eau Thermale, riche en Sélénium (c’est un anti-oxydant).

En quelques semaines, ma peau est nettement moins réactive (moins de rougeurs). Un test très réussi, avec des produits simples, efficaces et sans paraben : j’aime mes classiques révisités (Syndrome Peter Pan, c’est grave docteur?)! 

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Elancyl: Slimming & Firming Cares

Let’s start the Tone & Slim File

(tests of slimming creams), cause we are all obsessed with the Californian “bikini body” (as says a L.A. coach friend, lol!), with the Cellulite Offensive / Triple Impact Embedded Cellulite (1) and the Concentré Ventre-Taille / Slimming & Firming Care for the Stomach and Waist (2) of the French skincare brand Elancyl. A friend who took 20 kg during a pregnancy and have lost them many months after her childbirth, explains me her first problems were the skin slackening and cellulite. To recover her great body shape, she’s used those two products twice a day for one year and more (wow!). I was so impressed by her result and curious, I’ve tested them for one month!                  

The goal : to refine and tone the body shape. For one month, I’ve healthy eaten (not a diet – this word is an insult in my vocabulary!). I’ve never believed I can loose centimeters only with creams, without having a diet (ouch bad word!) and doing sports. But I really believe a good skincare can improve the appearance of the skin! And if you are regular, those two creams are amazing!              

The non-sticky texture is fresh and nice and quickly penetrates the skin. First I was a bit surprised by the green color of the creams! Daily applied (by massage), we can quickly notice results. For me it started with a a slight improvement in the general appearance of the skin, softer then smoother and toner. Definitely I found my stomach and waist more shaped (the resculpting action). To conclude, those two slimming creams work!


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