Walmer Castle, a castle by the sea. Time for culture, after the nature break in St Margaret’s Bay. Don’t expect me to show you the whole castle! You’d better have a look at the great brochure edited by the English Heritage. Here some lifestyle details I’ve noticed or liked in this famous castle, built in 1539 as an artillery fort. Since then many famous people lived in, including the Duke of Wellington, Sir Winston Churchill and the late Queen Mother. Pictures 2 & 3 : the superb perspective of the corridor crossing the castle. This corridor was created by William Pitt the Younger who lived many years in Walmer Castle. He was a Prime Minister in the 18th century.

Picture 4 : in the room dedicated to William Pitt the Younger, this unusual leather-covered library chair seems so uncomfortable! Picture 5 : print of the Queen Victoria’s profil and that of the Prince Consort among flowers.

Picture 6 : this heavy metal door leads to the castle’s courtyard. But definitely I prefer the amazingly beautiful gardens and the incredible view to the sea! Follow me there in my next post…
Informations : English Heritage, www.english-heritage.org.uk & Visit Kent, www.visitkent.co.uk
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Posted in "On the road again"
Tagged Château, Corridor, Decoration Details, Duke of Wellington, England, English Heritage, Europe, Exclusive Pictures, Fort, Furnishings, Great Britain, Interiors, Kent, Leather-covered Librairy Chair, Library Chair, Lifestyle, Prints, Queen Victoria and the Prince Consort, Sir Winston Churchill, The Late Queen Mother, Tourism, Travel, Trip, UK, Visit, Walmer Castle, William Pitt The Younger