Since the playground, you’ve been rocked by the Belgium gifted fashion designers of the prestigious Modeacademie of Antwerp, like Martin Margiela & cie…? Rush to Anvers for a plenty day dedicated to fashion culture and shopping. First, go to the Antwerp hottest street, the Nationalestraat, thanks to Dries Van Noten who was the first designer to open a shop there. And visit the MoMu, the famous Fashion Museum of Antwerp, based in the ModeNatie building (an old huge warehouse). The big hall of the museum looks like a German expresionnist movies set. The exhibition: Paper Fashion, till August the 16th. My prefered piece: this Darvadore-origami dress (picture below).

“Place of pilgrimage”: Dries Van Noten’s flagship (I really like!). Cool welcome like in Paris! No comment, fortunately there was one nice seller. For the gossip: a long time ago, Dries Van Noten family used to own warehouses in this area. That’s why he choose to base his flagship in this neighbourhood. Dries Van Noten: Nationalestraat 16, 2000 Antwerp

Yohji Yamamoto is not a gratuate of the Antwerp ModeAcademie, but his shop is adjacent to the MoMu: so chic, isn’t it! Yohji Yamamoto: Maria-Theresialei 17, 2000 Antwerp

Walter, the concept store of the most unclassifiable Belgian fashion designer, Walter Van Beirondonck. Warm welcome in a great place, where you can find the Men and Women collections of Bernard Wilhelm and my Darling Eley Kishimoto and discover the designer of the great “Clay Furniture” serie, Maarten Baas (the second picture below). Walter Van Beirendonck: St.Antoniusstraat 12, 2000 Antwerp

Now back to the Nationalestraat, stop at those two charming shops. Lila Grace: for trendy bohemian soulfoul women mix hyppie chic with fifties pin-up feminity. Lila Grace: Nationalestraat 83, 2000 Anvers. Access: to make really nice colourful gifts, like lovely candles, refined decoration items and sugar formed from butterfly. Access: Nationalestraat 75, 2000 Antwerp

Louis, with a really refined selection: Lanvin, Balenciaga, Margiela… Louis: Lombardenstraat 2, 2000 Antwerp

Princess is a huge maze store with a superb dome. Different atmospheres and decorations for each ranges (women, casuel, children). Great volumes. And don’t forget to look at the outfits! Me I’ve simply forgotten! Don’t worry it’s a high range multibrands, with Marc Jacobs… There are many shops, including Princess Blue: with my now crush designer Sophia Kokosalaki (you can find her collection almost everywhere in Antwerp).

Philip’s Biscuits: traditional delicious shortbread biscuits! Oups I’ve forgetten the Flemish name! Antwerp classics. Philip’s Biscuits: Korte Gasthuisstraat 11, 2000 Antwerp

If like us, you’ve walked six hours: relax at the Verso Café‘s tables outside. The front of the building reminds me Milan. For: those enjoy Armani Café in Saint Germain des Près, in Paris. The home made hamburgers are impressive (not tasted). And if you don’t get enough of shopping, Verso first is a high range multibrands for men and women (Roberto Cavalli, Giambattista Valli, Kris Van Assche…)! Verso Café: Lange Gasthuisstraat 11, 2000 Antwerp

Check this when you will go dowstairs to the very dark toilettes of Verso: there is a thick huge door of an old safe (like in 1920’s) where you can have dinner. If you are claustrophobic, forget it!

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