– Hi there ! Today I experience a new way to present you my crushes. A sort of visual written cast, what a concept! Lol! He is Glen, 100% Californian and I’m Mademoiselle Le K, 100% Parisian traveler. We are at The Getty museum of Los Angeles, located on the top of a hill. We liked a lot the architecture and gardens. Not necessary to precise you: permanent collections and exhibitions are impressive. Starting with this French strange clock! Such ugly as I could like it!

Better to list buildings and halls and exhibitions and periods: there are too much and quickly we get tired. I’d like to make you discover this astonished museum just walking by luck from indoor to outdoor. How could it be possible to stay inside with this incredible light? Huge perspectives and huge panorama! And refined details. You go up and down. Many stairs, like steps with the personal coach!

Huge alcove and I feel like shrunk under the Californian sky!

The Alice in Wonderland’s gardens!

Convinced by this summary? Plan half a day for your first visit. And we are preparing you a following revue of the rich L.A. museum. Here “we” do love arts too! Thanks Glen!
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