Tag Archives: Great Britain

East Sussex, UK: A Walk In The Old City Of Hastings

A post for all those looking a different destination for a relaxing weekend : here is Hastings in East Sussex, England. Forget immediatly your party animal temper to switch to “a deep seaside breath” only. I recommend the hyperactive, a homeopathic dose of two days, no more. Enjoy the pictures in my tour of the old town of Hastings. Picture 1: view down to the fishing area, with the amazing Net shops (picture 2), black wooden huts erected in height, where fishermen traditionally ranked their nets and fishing equipment. Absolutely new for me! Near the net shops, I also discover @ the Jerwood Gallery, some British painters of the 20th century and 21st (post to come). Pictures 3 & 4: typical narrow street of the old Hastings leads to an English gardens! Then I reach some shopping streets, with many small antique shops, full of miscellaneous objects completely surreal, like in “The Advengers” (last picture).

Informations : to go to Hastings by Ferry FDS Seaways from  Dunkerque to Dover, www.norfolkline.com, www.visit1066country.com.  

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Zara MacFarlane: The Awsome Jazzy Discovery

If you’re looking for a special gift for Chrismas : think of the Zara MacFarlane’s album.  One month ago, a friend invited me to an edgy live in a former nursery. Zara MacFarlane, a young jazz singer from London and her musicians played before the Owiny Sigoma Band (a coming up post). I discovered the album “Until Tomorrow“, the clear beautiful voice of Zara, her great presence on stage (one of my favourite songs is Captured). I do really like. Here two or three things I know about Zara (she told me). Zara writes her music and lyrics : “about my own experience“. Zara listens “lots of American jazz“, her influences : “Billie Holiday, Sarah Vaughan, Michael Jackson“. Zara describes her voice as “quite mellow” and her music as “laid  back, mystic and mysterious“. And when I asked Zara about fashion, she laughed : “Oh I’m terrible with fashion“. Awsome, because overlooked singers, often… yeah you know what I mean!  Many thanks to Zara and Peter!

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Mini Wales Challenge: Discovering Wales in a different way


This moorning, I’d had to go to Wales to participate to the Mini Wales Challenge with bloggers from different part of the world. After a serious problem happened last night, I couldn’t join my team. I am very sad and dear Mini Wales Challenge’s organizers and bloggers team, please accept my apologies for this unexpected situation and the inconvenience. I would have a lot of fun to discover this amazing country in those exceptional circumstances. I am extremly disappointed not to be able to join you. But let’s stay positive: during the five days of the event, I’ve decided to make us discover what would be my itinerary in Wales!


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