Tag Archives: France

Issey Miyake: Women Collection Spring-Summer 2009


Lovely break of minimalist poetry: some of the refined outfits are really rock’n’rolla (great surprise for me) and also the timeless pleats. The catwalk remained me a bamboo forest. Let’s admire and learn the mastery! Issey Miake San, arigato gozaimasu!





Issey Miyake: Collection Femme Printemps-Eté 2009


Joli instant de poésie minimaliste, vêtements épures dont certains très rock’n’roll (l’agréable surprise), rideau décor qui m’a fait penser à une forêt de bambous tons camaïeux et bien sûre l’intemporel plissé. On admire la maîtrise, on apprend. Issey Miake San, arigato gozaimasu!





Julie Bernardin: jewels collection winter 2008

Never without my miniature Batman (a bag jewel) for months !  Collections run, my bags change, but mini Batman lasts as a classic. Here the winter collection of the jewels designer of my precious Batman: Julie Bernardin (click here for the interview). After the hyper media Teddy Bear of Karl, the Julie one : an irresistible pendant ! Wow wow ! Does and mini Fender charms . Seventies paste handcuffs and huge old school Run DMC chains, I want all ! Stylish enthusiastic fun ! Julie, you : Rock this Place !


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