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Tag Archives: France
Chrismas Trees of Fashion Designers, in Paris
Following my post about Chrismas Trees of fashion Designers, in Paris: the bids, here a small selection of Chrismas Trees (really sorry for the designers names I forgot) that might inspire you for the final touch of your tree’s decoration before the Chrismas Eve. And really impress Santa! MERRY CHRISMAS to all of you! Picture above: the sexiest Chrismas bush: with the angelic Louboutin stiletto. Picture below: the slenderest: Paul & Joe’s doe with a wow Superman and Spiderman dolls neckless!
The Barbarian: red hair Chrismas tree of John Nollet for l’Oréal Professionnel
The most primitive: smart glam totem Chrismas tree
The most minimalist: lights and volumes
The most Dark Vador
The most traditionnal? The Sonia Rykiel bonzaï Chrismas tree
The most poetic unusual Chrismas tree by Kenzo
The greediest: the Laduree’s macaroons Chrismas tree
Photos: Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2008
Posted in "Paris is burning", Fashion/Mode
Tagged Chrismas Trees, Christian Louboutin, Cite de l'Architecture, Designers, Exclusive Pictures, Fashion Designers, France, John Nollet, Kenzo, L'Oréal, Ladurée, Macaroons, Marie-Christiane Marek, Musee de l'Homme, Paris, Paul and Joe, Sonia Rykiel, Spiderman, Superman
Les Sapins de Noël des Créateurs
Suite à mon post précédent sur Les Sapins de Noël des Créateurs: les enchères, ma petite sélection de sapins (dont pour certains je m’en excuse, j’ai oublié le nom des créateurs). Inspirez-vous pour votre final touch avant réveillon, histoire de bluffer le Père Noël! Et surtout JOYEUX NOEL à tous! Photo ci-dessus: le plus ardant buisson de Noël, à l’angélique sliletto Louboutin. Photo ci-dessous : le plus gracile: jolie biche de Noël Paul & Joe, accessoirisée de Superman et Hommes Araignée
Les barbares: sapin en mèches rousses de John Nollet pour l’Oréal Professionnel
Le plus primitif: sapin glam chic totem
Les plus minimalistes: jeu de volumes et lumière
Le plus Dark Vador
Le plus traditionnel? Sapin – bonzaï – Sonia Rykiel
Le plus insolite et poétique arbre de Noël Kenzo
Le plus gourmand: sapin macarons Ladurée
Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2008
Autres articles : MODE & DESTINATIONS
Posted in "Paris is burning", Fashion/Mode
Tagged Christian Louboutin, Créateurs de Mode, Designers, France, John Nollet, Kenzo, L'Araignée, L'Oréal, La Cité de l'Architecture, Ladurée, Le Musée de l'Homme, Les Sapins de Noël des Créateurs, Macarons, Marie-Christiane Marek, Paris, Paul and Joe, Peluches, Père Noël, Sonia Rykiel, Spiderman, Stiletto, Superman
Chrismas Trees of Fashion Designers, in Paris: The Bids
Paris, Tuesday December The 9th
I go with a friend to the opening of ” Les Sapins de Noël des Créateurs” (Chrismas Trees of Fashion Designers and Designers), in the beautiful Cite de l’Architecture (Musee de l‘Homme). On Marie-Christiane Marek‘s initiative, every years fashion designers and designers give to her association “Les Sapins de Noël des Créateurs”, their Chrismas Tree to be sold by auction, for a children charity. A really sober ambiance, a bit too much for me. But at the end of the bids, one of the Chrismas trees has created a big excitement, raising the bidding to more than 30.000 Euros (see picture 3: a kind of “white spiral” – Chrismas tree and sorry I forgot the artist‘s name). I really enjoy the Chrismas tree of Isabel Marant (picture 1) and the Martin Margiela’s one (picture 4). Pictures 2: Marie-Christiane Marek with Marithé Girbaud. And attention to the latecomers (yes tomorrow it‘s already Chrismas!) missing ideas, have a look at my post Chrismas Trees of Fashion Designers, in Paris, with a selection of other great fashion designers and designers Chrismas Trees.
Congrats to Marie-Christiane Marek and all the people who followed her in this lovely initiative for children.