Tag Archives: France

Versailles, France: “The 18th century back in fashion”, the Exhibition in the Grand Trianon

Paris in August, it’s ab fab!  Mostly with a such great weather as today, yes I’m relaxing in the beautiful jardin des Tuileries (garden’s Tuileries, garden of heaven)! For the brave, you can also go to Versailles, at the Grand Trianon to visit “The 18th century back in fashion“, organised with the musée Galliera (the fashion museum of Paris) till october 9th, 2011.  You will discover the influence of the 18th century on modern fashion, like on the poster abaove, with an amazing Vivienne Westwood‘s dress. For more infos, click here.

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Exposition “Le XVIIIe au goût du jour”, au Grand Trianon de Versailles, France

Paris au mois d’Aout, c’est top, en plus quand il fait super beau comme aujourd’hui au jardin des Tuileries! On en profite pour pousser la promenade jusqu’au au Grand Trianon de Versailles et visiter l’expo “Le XVIIIe au goût du jour“, organisée avec le musée Galliera jusqu’au 9 octobre 2011.  On y découvre l’influence du Siècle des Lumières sur la mode contemporaine, comme sur l’affiche avec une robe de Vivienne Westwood.  Pour les infos pratiques, cliquez ici.

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The Crossing from Dunkerque to Dover

I go visiting Kent. Why? Because, I only know London (surprising!) and Ms Moss has a home in Kent (oops! gossip girl, shame on me!).  And it’s summertime and I want to have a big breath of fresh air in a superb English garden. More exclusive than dancefloors in Ibiza, isn’t it? So here the pictures of my first crossing from Dunkerque to Dover, aboard the DFDS Seaways ferry. Landscapes are  really impressive. The emerald green water’s color is amazing!

Pictures 2 & 3: Bye Bye Dunkerque! Lovely natural light and dramatic clouds, I feel spoiled as a photographer. But it’s too much windy on the decks, I chill in the relaxing VIP lounge, accessible with a first class ticket.  

Picturess 4 & 5: the famous White Cliffs of Dover! The frame is striking, hypnotic. White as chalk, those cliffs take a plunge in a cristallin water dark blue and emeraud green. Stonished!

Last picture: I arrive in Dover. Direction a small bay nestled in the White Cliffs : follow me there in my next post! 

Infos : the Ferry FDS Seaways good deal, from 1/6 till 30/9/11 : return trip on the same day, with a passenger car (max 7 people), 29€ per car. Or 5 days return trip: from 49€ per car with max 4 people. Phone: +32 (0)2 719 90 92, www.norfolkline.com, [email protected].

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