Tag Archives: Fashion Designer

Gaspard Yurkievich, Women Spring/Summer 2009: never without socks!

And the winners are socks! Socks will be the must have of the Gaspard Yurkievich collection for Spring/Summer 2009. Black, white, red, plain or with one strip, long or rolled up to ankles, lobed to leave toes free or in shoes! The most important will be to wear them on both legs with a perfect symmetry! Have a look on those look boards. And then, standing on your colourful GY high eels, you will able to loudly proclaim: « never without (my) socks »! What a smart girl!




Gaspard Yurkievich: Women shoes Spring/Summer 2009

Wow here my shopping for this New Year eve (less than 3 days)! Darling I’m so excited and I know you’re dying to get them… Colorful vertigo high eels… months before spring! Awsome! With socks of course, the sylish detail of next season: click here to check it! Well I will absolutely love my New year eve! To all of you a fantastic glam 09!


Sonia Rykiel: the “Exhibition”, Musee des Arts Decoratifs, Paris

November the 19th: “THE” opening of Sonia Rykiel “Exhibition” at the Musee des Arts decoratifs in Paris, celebrating forty years of creation. Respect. In the first hall, I meet my old neighbour, the artist Hyppolite Romain who has made illustrations of Sonia Rykiel collections for years. Short break. In the next hall, a friend chats with Stephane Verdino, the trendy bags designer. And I focus on fantastic dresses I’d really like to wear. In the half-light, I stamp Ines de la Fressange’s feet. Oops sorry! I quickly make for the great pictures of Dominique Isserman. Lavish presentation of black and white big prints put against the black walls and on the black floor. Superb portraits of Sonia Rykiel. And I hear a kind of a funny chat between two old gentlemen. Upset one of the two notices:

– There isn’t any man in those pictures!

– Because it’s for women! 

– Ok but there might be a man, I mean a voyeur, between those ladies.

I smile: why not! And I look at the ab fab dress tribute to Sonia Rykiel and designed by Jean-Charles de Castelbajac met when I left the museum. No way to shoot the dress (low camera’s battery) to add it in this post. Dear Mrs Rykiel, thank you for your really feminine creations full of hapiness and impertinence. Rykiel forever!