Tag Archives: Discovery

Brussels: Vanhaerents Art Collection

Do you want to know an exclusive adress near Dansaert

where looking at Boltanski’s works like in the Venice Biennal, Grand Palais in Paris or CAPC? Here in the private museum, Vanhaerents Art Collection. I met by luck Walter Vanhaerents, a successful entepreneur and a passionate contemporary art collector, among his mirrors geants, the fantastic monumental sculptures of the canadian artist David Altmejd. Walter’s choosen all the works of his collection. Inspired by the Rolling Stone’s song, Sympathy for the Devil is the second exhibition of the museum,  showing international artists till November 30th, 2013. Picture above : Untitled (Red Dogs -2007) of Sudarshan Shetty. Picture 2 : Study Collection 1 (2009) of Matthew Day Jackson.



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Mini Wales Challenge: Discovering Wales in a different way


This moorning, I’d had to go to Wales to participate to the Mini Wales Challenge with bloggers from different part of the world. After a serious problem happened last night, I couldn’t join my team. I am very sad and dear Mini Wales Challenge’s organizers and bloggers team, please accept my apologies for this unexpected situation and the inconvenience. I would have a lot of fun to discover this amazing country in those exceptional circumstances. I am extremly disappointed not to be able to join you. But let’s stay positive: during the five days of the event, I’ve decided to make us discover what would be my itinerary in Wales!


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Kent, UK: Biking in Whitestable

Keeping its authenticity, Whitestable is a very chic seaside resort for Londoners. A big crush for the “very stylish” seaside to discover by bike, under a blue blue sky today: lucky me! I’ve always loved sheds and I want this one (picture below)!

Back to the Harbour hosts the main attractions of the Whitestable Oyster Festival, in a friendly ambiance. Between us, I really do not like oysters (lol!).

Lovely cottages with a fantastic sea view, most of them are Londoner’s properties. Maybe I will try some sailing, I love sailing. Okay,  let’s meet later, in my coming-up post for a bit of shopping in Whitestable…

Infos : Whitestable Cycle Hire, www.whitestablecyclehire.com et Visit Kent, www.visitkent.co.uk.  

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