Tag Archives: Discovery

Laid Back Stopover in Ajaccio, Corsica

When I travel to an island,

I often have in mind the title of Michel Houellebecq’s book, “The Possibility of an Island” that I haven’t read: I only like the way the title sounds. I love the Mediterranean for its particular light, the color of the sky and the sea and its incredible cultural diversity.

From one island to another, there is a strong identity,  different architecture and story. During the Indian summer, I had a short stopover of few hours in AjaccioI wanted to visit the house where Napoleon Bonaparte was born… which unfortunately was closed.

So I went to the semi-deserted beach of Saint François, where the water was super chilly (lol!). But the view of the colorful city of Ajaccio is beautiful and clear water! Even time stretches, it’s already time to leave. Corsica bella. 

Related posts : DESTINATIONS

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés. 

A Stopover in Palma de Mallorca, Spain

No need to go far!

I want to start this new year by sharing with you an island I recently rediscovered and loved during my mini cruise. No it is not an exotic paradise lost in the middle of nowhere…

But during the Indian summer, Palma de Mallorca becomes a precious jewel. Besides the famous Danish fashion designer Malene Birger lives there year round. I really like the color of the blue blue Mediterranean sea and sky!

Emptied of its hordes of tourists, lazing in Palma bathed in a warm soft light, is a bless. And I really like its architecture, narrow streets, churches with carved facades, languor, terraces and hidden palaces. Enjoy these few snapshots!

Related posts : DESTINATIONS

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.  

Costa Neo Romantica: Cruise in Mediterranean

Do you remember “The Love Boat”?

Well well, I tested for you… and guess what, I really enjoyed it, as crazy as it sounds! I would never (ever) have imagined a 5-day cruise in the Mediterranean on a boat with over a thousand people! You know, one of these floating-white-monsters-with-dozens-of-floors. 

The trip started early morning: flight to Milan, then bus to Navona (I didn’t see anything of the city) and I obediently board the Neo Costa Romantica ship of the Costa fleet. After nearly a day of transportation and a long time of mandatory safety (including all of us, crew and customers), I finally relax on the desert deck pools. Yes finally I realize I’m on the water, on the top of the boat and coasts away, exciting!

And here is the big egg in wicker (photo above) where far from everything and everyone, I could admire the postcard beautiful sunsets during all the cruise! Cia-cia-ciao bellissima Italia, domani sarà (tomorrow, it’s)… To be continued… 



Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés.