Tag Archives: Culture

Zagreb, Croatia: Museum of Broken Relationships

Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

One day in Zagreb

and I don’t have time for several museums, if I want to take the pulse of the city! I want to visit one truly unique museum, the confidential brand new Museum of Broken Relashionships. Let’s talk about heartbrokens, lol! So if you also have a very limited time in the city, it’s THE museum that everyone should experience!

A gem of humor (sometimes ironic) about a disappointed romantic relationships. Who can pretend having never been disillusioned with an ex? You can even see the wedding album of an happy ex, donated to the museum (wow!). The concept is fantastic and  “Get lucky” (ie. Daft Punk). First, you send an object that “represents” your broken relationship. The object must be accompanied by an explanatory legend. Then the objects and stories that passed the selection, are exposed. The exhibition spaces are stunning in a renovated historic building.

Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-3-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

Some objects detonate and surprise

(pictures 5 and 6). Reading some stories, lots of fun. Most protagonists whose purpose is breaking presentation, has a lot of humor (pictures 4 and 7)! Between another contemporary art museum showing very pretentious works (often disappointing, if not confusing) and this fresh intimate museum full of self-mockery: do not hesitate! 

And I am not sponsored by the museum, it’s just a real nice surprise as I enjoy them! I had a tremendous moment there. And to extend the stealth and pleasurable moment of the “revenge“, check the small museum boutique. Picture 1: an irresistible chocolate to offer to the one who deserve it, LOL! Lucky you!                        

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2013, tous droits réservés. 


Zagreb Tourist Board www.visitcroatia.be

Discover my whole trip in the CROATIA page and follow my TWITTER. ENJOY! I was hosted by the Office National Croate du Tourisme and all my opinions are mine.

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Zagreb, Croatie: Museum of Broken Relationships à découvrir absolument

Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-1-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

Une journée à Zagreb,

autant dire que je n’ai le temps de visiter vraiment qu’un et unique musée, si je veux prendre le pouls de la ville! J’ai opté pour le tout récent et confidentiel Museum of Broken Relashionships (parlez-moi de “coeurs brisés”, lol).  Bref si vous aussi, vous avez un temps très très limité, c’est ce musée qu’il faut absolument découvrir!

Un petit bijou d’humour (parfois noir) des déçus d’une relation sentimentale. On peut même y voir l’album de mariage d’un(e?) ex(e) marié(e), offert au musée (wow). Le concept est excellent : vous envoyez un objet qui “consacre” la rupture de votre histoire d’amour. L’objet doit être accompagné d’un texte explicatif. Ensuite les objets et histoires qui passent la sélection, sont alors exposés. Les espaces d’exposition sont superbes dans un vieux bâtiment rénové.

Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-3-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-2-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

Certains objets détonnent et étonnent

(photos 5 et 6). En lisant quelques unes des histoires, on s’amuse beaucoup. La plupart des protagonistes, dont l’objet de rupture est exposé, a beaucoup d’humour (photos 4 et 7)! Entre un énième musée d’art contemporain aux oeuvres ultra prétentieuses (souvent décevantes, faute d’être déroutantes) et ce petit musée plein d’autodérision : n’hésitez pas!

Non je ne suis pas sponsorisée par le musée, c’est juste une vraie bonne surprise comme je les aime! J’y ai passé un pur moment. Et pour prolonger l’instant furtif et jouissif de la “vengeance“, faites un tour dans la petite boutique du musée. J’ai craqué pour cette irrésistible tablette de chocolat (photo 1), à offrir à qui vous savez, LOL!

Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-7-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-8-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-8A-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013Croatia-Zagreb-Museum of Broken Relationships-10-Photo Mademoiselle Le K-copyright 2013

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2013, tous droits réservés. 


Zagreb Tourist Board www.visitcroatia.be  

Découvrez mon voyage dans la rubrique CROATIE (tous mes posts) et suivez-moi sur TWITTER. ENJOY! J’ai été invitée par l’Office National Croate du Tourisme et toutes mes opinions sont les miennes. 

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Wat Suan Mokkhaphalaram: The bouddhist Meditation Centre

Arriving late in the afternoon at Wat Suan Mokkhaphalaram, a famous Buddhist meditation center located in a forest, my camera is low bat! But thanksfully I can use my modest smartphone: sorry for the quality of the pictures! Suan Mokkh literally means “The Garden of Liberation”. First Vision: Thai and foreign people, all dressed in white, wandering here and there among the monks in a natural setting. Paths, inscriptions and altars amid lush vegetation … Created in 1959 by the Thai monk Ajahn Buddhadasa Bhikkhu, the monastery is dedicated to meditation. Thailand, with a population of 66,720,153 inhabitants in 2011 (Wikipedia), there are between 200,000 and 300,000 monks (Wikipedia) and 32,000 temples. Picture above: we follow the monks into a building nestled on top of a hill and filled with paintings. Pictures 2, 6 and 7: this facetious energetic monk made us ​​a quick presentation of the foundations of Buddhism. And explained principles such as finding the right balance. He also told us some excerpts from the life of Buddha. And with lots of spirit and emphasis, he commented some paintings (made ​​by the monks of the monastery), as the “Human arragement by Flowers” (picture 4) that I find it quite confusing. I listen carefully. Sometimes I loose the point: some explanations are in Thai. I also try to interpret other reliefs and draws, when the guide ask us to go back to the van. We have to hit the road to the last stop of the day: the city of Surat Thani, where we will spend the night. Sarah, big up to you ; )

Photos : © Mademoiselle Le K – Tous droits réservés  

Follow my whole trip in THAILAND and Twitter. You can also discover my other pictures in the Facebook of the Tourism Authority of Thailand and the Facebook of the Royal Thai Embassy in BelgiumENJOY!

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