Tag Archives: Contemporary art

Brussels, Belgium: The Jean-Paul Knott’s Party, The Exhibition

Saterday February the 6th : the Belgium 2010 first big fashion event, the party for the Jean Paul Knott‘s eponymous brand ten years old. In front of the Brussels headquarters (near the hype rue Dansaert) of the Cerruti‘s former art director, the mix of bourgeois furs coats of mature clients, with high eels fashionistas and trendy young fox in Converse, quitely waits at the entrance. I get in. Inside it’s more crowded, I look after a press officer. And go to the red lightened scales : first floor, different rooms like conceptual small spaces. A bit arty and trendy. A glance to the videos and model behind a glass door in an empty room, minimalist atmosphere. “The less is more” vibe, alreaday noticed in the Paris shows of Jean-Paul Knott for Cerruti. A smart drink of red fruits, time to get down to the big hall attending to the happening-fashion show and the live band. To be continued in the coming up post…

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Brussels, Belgium: Jean-Paul Knott’s Party, The Fashion Show  

Meeting with the fashion designer Jean-Paul Knott in his studio, in Brussels   


Xth Biennale de Lyon (2009, France)

Web Biennale de Lyon

Till January the 3rd, 2010, the Xth Biennale de Lyon of contemporary art presents “The Spectacle of the Everyday“: seventy international artists transform everyday in something spectacular. Great “but” you think contemporay art “is pretty boring and not fun“, maybe not! Change your mind and have fun! Start by “living art”: visit in couple the exhibition spaces during a whole night. Subscribe on the website to win one night: from friday to saterday November 14th and from friday to saterday December 18th. What about exhibiting one of your pictures : be creative and think of the X shape! Then enjoy a « visite apéro » (drink visit), or  an “art dating”. And they got married and had many many works of contemporary art. To be continued… Did I mention the city of Lyon is really famous for food too?

Informations: www.biennaledelyon.com


Young Gallery in Knokke: Photo Exhibition of Josef Hoflehner

Design à la Cour: Exposition au Château de Fontainebleau