Tag Archives: Chief Editor

IDEAT, Paris: Meeting Laurent Blanc


IDEAT means Idea, Design, Escape, Architecture and Trend. Paris Bastille, I have a meeting with Laurent Blanc, the chief editor of IDEAT, the  lifestyle magazine’s reference in France. Laurent shows me his new office, a white huge space with many architecture and design books, contemporary art and paintings and refine furnitures.  The former Advertising Manager of Renault seems to be an demanding collector too. 

What do you think about the last Maison et Objet fair (from September the 9th to 13th)? The January fair is always better. It missed Cinna, Roche Bobois… The outdoor was really interesting. Today outdoor makes work the big names of design. 

When did IDEAT start? We created IDEAT 11 years ago, with my spouse, a deco stylist. First we wanted to create a  concept store in 1500 meters squares space. When we checked prices of rentals, we could only afford 50 meters squares (smile). So we decided to created a magazine, it was a way to show what we really enjoyed. We were the French first lifestyle magazine, when all the press was focussing in the “art de vivre à la française” (the French art way of living), like for exemple Côté Sud. It was during the Internet blast, when the experts diagnosed no future for paper magazines (smile)The magazine lived sparely during 3-4 years, we could be payed. In 2003, when Roularta invested in IDEAT, it’s helped us. We are partners 50/50. Four years ago, we were considered like the Habitat of the lifestyle press. We decided to become a luxury magazine.

The Good Life

Since then has IDEAT been a success story?  Since 2006, IDEAT is the stronger increase sell of decoration magazines in France (80.000 copies). Next year, we will launch an Italian IDEAT. And we also work on the project of the online IDEAT concept store. 

Has your look changed? Yes of course, our look was sharpen by travels and by meetings with designers… like Starck, Wanders, Jean-Marie Massaud… We have developed a sense of the aesthetic we relay in the magazine. Le title has changed, it’s a storm: now French people are enjoying design. And IDEAT is a reference the main-stream press.

What are your next topics? Each 3 issues, there is an issue dedicated to a strong theme: 100% of the pagination for one topic. The first topic we realized was Philippe Starck. He created twenty pages in the magazine. We sold 150.000 copies of this issue. 

And what about this new men’s magazine that issues tomorrow? Laurent turns on his Ipad to show me the lay out of THE GOOD LIFE. It’s a quarterly of 350 pages (including 100 ads pages). We gonna do the opposite than news magazines. We are making an hybrid magazine, nothing to do with the other titles in the French press… There are articles of the global economic culture. Between the recurring sections, one shows people (no celebs, spotmen and potilitics) that move the world forward in a positive way. There will be 30 pages of fashion. Here we fight for the curiosity of modernity.

A guaranteed success ? People have to like it or not. I will worry more and more till October 19 (the launch of the magazine)!

Don’t worry Laurent, we know it’s gonna a big hit! Many thanks! 

www.ideat.fr  &  www.thegoodlife.fr 

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Meeting Mireille Martens, The Chief Editor of GAEL

Mireille Martens warned me, « fields on your left, getting off train», before adding amused : « a Paris girl in the Belgian countryside ». Fine, I got lost. Miraculously, I arrive ahead of schedule. Change my Converse for high eels sandals, more glam. I have a meeting with Mireille Martens, the chief editor of GAEL, here in Belgium the French-speaking reference of women magazines :

– I hate in many women magazines this sententious threatening silly way to speak to women. I am very rebel with this. Have fun, don’t be afraid to dare! GAEL speaks to “adult” women. We select propositions. The GAEL’woman’s already been an expert and realized certain things in her life. There are lots of  psycho and wellness articles.

Mireille’s breaking off to introduce me, « the best stylist of Brussels and Belgium », Martine Olivier. Getting back a  Zara shopping, Martine adds :

– could you write how difficult it is to have a shopping of  Zara?

Quick snapshots, good light. Mireille continues :

– Fashion and women magazines are interesting when we do psychology. When this frivolous part can be linked to something deeper. C’est aussi le droit de voir les côtés légers de la vie et le plaisir de s’embellir la vie. This has nothing to do with the spending spree.

Gratuate of  a Bachelor of Journalism, Mireille starts as a Public Relations at Solvay, then works as a copyeditor at Media Marketing. In 1983, she’s been the chief editor of the French-speaking weekly Flair for ten years. And since then she’s been the chief editor of  GAEL :

– I have no received wisdom and I really enjoy working for women magazines. It talks about everyday life subjects. When I started  working at GAEL, nobody wanted to be in charge of fashion, so I took the baby. Fashion people are not easy to lead.

Mireille’s smiling putting back her scarve :

– Since then, I’ve liked and my best time, it’s when pictures arrive. Choosing a cover, it’s a big pleasure. 

Is there any Belgian style ?

– There is a Belgian style. GAEL is specifically Belgian : we are a general-interest magazine and  we like to share. We are happy to offer to our readers a relaxing pleasure buble with useful infos. I do the nicest job of the world, because it’ a team work embodies conviviality, sharing and pleasure worths. It’s a huge privilege, what a luck! 

Mireille’s hotsopt :

– I am really happy to live in Brussels, I think it’s a privilege. We have fun.

A shop : Bozar shop, a place inspiring. rue Ravensteinstraat 15, 1000 Brussels, www.bozarshop.com  

Thanks a lot Mireille!

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Brussels, Belgium: Eric Russon, the interview in Café Belga

Flagey under the snow, picturesque ponds:

I get in the café Belga. Puzzled I look at the numerous retro ceiling fans and the snow behind the big plate glass window.  Near to the TV studios, I have an appointement with the « Mr. Culture » of Arte Belgique. Eric Russon is the chief editor and TV host of « 50 Degrés Nord »,  the daily TV program about the Belgian arts news.

–  I am not cut out to be a TV host. We can have a vocation for sports jounalism for example, not for TV. It sounds a bit weird to me. I don’t know how journalists work. I have my press card. But I don’t feel like being a journalist. Maybe I have a too romantic vision of a journalist that crosses the world and takes risks. I am more a curious person and I try to arouse people’s curiosity.

On the table, Eric Russon’s manga cover agenda,

dazzling white light of winter sun. His carrer path is quite atypical  : law studies, two bachelors, plus an university diploma (for teaching), in Criminology at ULB (Brussels Universtity). 

–  When I was at university, I’ve worked in an  independent radio station for four-five years, till 1988. By chance, I started working as an Assistant Production of a movies TV program in Télé Bruxelles  (Brussels television). I was just found of culture. Then I started making cultural reports and in 1989 , I went on the air. After different TV programs,  I’ve hosted a daily cultural TV program  from 6 to 7 p.m. : one hour live with guests. I lived Télé Bruxelles in 2006. And since 2004, I’ve hosted the radio program « Culture Club », on La Première (RTBF).

Belgo belges (= the Belgians for the Belgians)?

– No. In the « 50 Degrés Nord » TV program, seven of the ten guests are Belgian. For many raisons, there are often foreign artists, interesting things can be exchanged. Most of the time, foreigners are more comfortable on a TV set than the Belgians, less trained to go on the air. And I don’t know why the Belgians have this  hang-up of inferiority. I don’t even understand.

Yet the Belgians are successfull abroad!

– Yes they are and they are good to promote themselves on television. TV is a show and we do news : telling a good story and a good casting of feature editors and guests. We create an atmosphere and a tension too. We set a series of themes. I choice the five subjects of each program. The team is composed of a producer, four journalists (for the reports) and feature editors. I am the only one journalist on the air. I prefer chatting than interviewing my guests, having a dialogue and sometimes criticizes. Chatting give you more options.

What about the audience measurement?

Eric Russon puts down his glass, looking his green mint tea. Almost the end of the meeting, let’s do the questions-answers way: what about the audience measurement?

–  I don’t pay attention. Belgium is a very small country, ten millions of inhabitants, including four millions of French-speakers. We don’t care about numbers. For each TV program, we have between sixty thousant and seventy thousand people. I compare a cultural TV program with subsidized theatre : culture is not her to be a smash hit of ratings. There is no equivalent of our TV program in the Flemish televisions. We have ten guests by program : one or two are flemish. They were very surprised at the beginning, when we asked them to come to the set. A long time ago, there was a cultural  coeducation between the Walloon and Flemish communities, but not anymore. The Flemish movies are successful in Flanders and the same in the French-speaking Belgium with the Walloon movies. For example: the movie « De Zaaak Alzheimer » (2003) – The Alzheimer Case (England) and  The Memory of a Killer (USA) – of the Flemish director Erik Van Looy was first successfull abroad,  before being played in Wallonie. Yet when we go to Cannes, for foreigners we are all the Belgians. We have two features editors : Nick Balthazar, director and Bert Kruisman who wrote a show in French, « Flanders for the no good », with a trash sense of humour..

Time to go. Last question : Brussels?

– A town with many different cultural events. It’s a very concentrated city that gets on my nerves! The snow and the traffic is stuck. Brussels was hottest before : no more nightlife. Le Belga is one of the very few bars opened late at night. It’s a stange city, not a partying city. It’s really polite.  

A district : the university district, near the Cimetière d’Ixelles, I’m not the kind of nostalgic who make a pilgrimage. There are many restaurants, bars and a nightlife.

Thanks Eric Russon.