Tag Archives: Blouses

Valentino: Spring-Summer 2013

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Source photos : Madame Le Figaro / Lay out : Mademoiselle Le K

Manish Arora: Collection Femme Printemps-Eté 2009


Vous ne connaissez pas Manish Arora? Je l’ai découvert il y a un an, lorsque son bureau de presse new yorkais m’a envoyé le très coloré carton d’invitation (superbe!) de son premier show parisien confidentiel. Octobre 2008, hors de question de manquer son show événement au Cirque d’Hiver! Spectacle, où les mannequins grimés M.A.C. oscillaient entre longili-ssimes poupées Barbie, Monsieur Loyal et Clowns décadents façon Kiss. Quant au style, les tenues : extrêmes, excentriques, riches, couleurs, matières et coupes. Un réel talent à l’univers baroque cartoonesque, zest succédané de Bollywood et brillants Swaroski. Bravo M. Arora! J’attends la suite avec impatience…


Oh! Vous en voulez encore? Version anglaise: Manish Arora: Women’s collection Spring-Summer 2009

Autres posts : MODE & LOOK BOOKS

Karine Jean: Bohemian Rock Traveller And Fashion Designer

– When I draw, I do not draw for me. It’s for an ideal of woman more feminine than me. Now I try to get in this feminine world.

Between two flights to Asia, the rangy slender hyper active Karine conceives and organizes her collections and makes her prototypes and goes to professional trades and sells her collections. She loves India and tomorrow she’ll take off for Beijing. This big traveler defines the “Karine Jean” brand style as:

– Romantic, a bit rock’n’roll, with an unpretentious hippie chic influence. I need to feel comfortable. In my fabrics selection from Japan, India and Italy: it has to be a bit shiny and fun!

Her customers are “deeply urban”. And her collections are retailed in few Marais and 7th Arrondissement of Paris boutiques and also in Asia: Japan, Korea and Taiwan

And when I notice her blouse is the master piece of this collection, break, thinking look, Karine agrees :

– It’s really my thing. I find my inspiration in memories of my mum, I got frames.

Click here to discover my selection of the five fashion designers I met @ the Bouche à Oreille trade.

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