Breakfast At Hermès To Discover The Petit h Unusual Objects

You know how I’m addicted to Christmas trees and how much I love the creative world of Hermès :  above is a photo taken yesterday, at a press Hermès breakfast, I was invited in Brussels (picture 2). Well I am not a morning person, especially as the day before, I had a “smartphone” dinner with Acer (I’ll talk about soon). Boosted by the snow, I arrived (late, but not that much!) to La Verrière, where Beatrice Gouyet, CEO of Hermes Benelux-Nordics (picture 3) and Pascale Mussard, Creative Director of Petit h (picture 4), reveal us  the recycling concept of these famous “unusual objects”. Scattered here and there in an enchanting decoration realized by  Charles Kaisin (picture 3), which explained that all these branches came from a huge beech of his garden. Last picture: Nica Broucke, the editor of ELLE België shows me the luxury nest which she really enjoyed. And if you want to discover the Petit h unusual objects on I really enjoyed: check this post! Suspense …

Photos : Mademoiselle Le K – copyright 2012, tous droits réservés. 

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